Monday, June 10, 2024

Ukrainian F-16s Will Operate From Romania And Poland - Russia: NATO Airports Will Become A Legal Target

Ukrainian F-16s will operate from Romania and Poland
Vassilis Kapoulas

A US USAF officer has confirmed that Ukraine shot down Patriot A-50 AWACS and other Russian fighters inside Russian airspace in an unprecedented admission that amounts to a "casus belli".

Almost simultaneously, Kiev announced that the F-16s it is receiving will be redeployed to air bases in Romania and Poland.

War News 24/7 confirms both of these developments. Ukraine and NATO are risking a full-scale conflict in order to remove the Russian Air Force so that NATO ground forces can then enter.

Some of the US F-16 fighter jets that Ukraine is receiving are planned to be deployed at air bases outside the country, the Chief of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Sergei Golubtsov, revealed.

According to the Russians, this admission confirms their worst fears. Kiev will redeploy fighters to Romania and Poland and operate from there against Russian targets.

For this reason, Ukraine is looking for a "legal trick" to reposition the F-16s out of the country under the pretext of repairs, maintenance or training.

Let's see what the Ukrainians say.

The command of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine intends to deploy some F-16 fighters outside of Ukraine to protect them from Russian missiles. These aircraft will constitute the so-called "reserve" in case of repair work or replacement of defective fighters.

Also, some of the aircraft will remain at Western military bases as training aircraft to train Ukrainian pilots.

Russian media quoting Kremlin sources stress that "Moscow will be forced to take a series of tough decisions. These fighters will take off from Western airfields to bomb targets of the Russian Armed Forces, including on Russian soil."

Russia: NATO airports will become a legal target!

F-16 fighters and their airfields outside Ukraine will become a legitimate target for the Russian Armed Forces, Andrei Kartapolov, head of the State Duma Defense Committee, told RIA Novosti.

According to the Senator, this will happen if American-made aircraft take part in combat missions. Moscow has already warned NATO about this possibility

"If US fighters take off from Western bases and cause damage to the military and civilian infrastructure of the Russian Federation and return to their bases, the aircraft and airfields will be legitimate targets for Russian troops,"Kartapolov said.

Earlier, the head of the Dutch Ministry of Defense, Kaisa Ollongren, informed that her country allows Ukraine to use F-16s for attacks on Russian territory.

At the same time, the minister emphasized that the Armed Forces of Ukraine must clearly use their "right to self-defense."

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