Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Coming Draft For A Broken Military In The U.S.

Do You Feel A Draft?

We keep hearing rumblings from our garbage ruling class about how not enough of our citizens are signing up for their progressive army to fight climate change, transphobia, and, occasionally, in defense of the United States. But defending America’s borders is apparently racist, so we’re not going to do that. The problem is that the normal Americans who make up our military, or used to make up our military, are no longer making up our military. Veterans are nearly unanimous – vets are telling young people to stay the hell out of our broken military. It’s a disaster. It can’t win a war. It’s become an engine of supercharged social pathologies. And, according to Joe Biden,  he will use it against you and your families if you get uppity.

Sign me up!

Except nobody is signing up anymore. The bottom has fallen out of the recruiting numbers. The normal Americans who used to make up our military are refusing to play along. The bodies just aren’t there anymore. The cannon fodder has found better things to do than pursue the agenda of a globalist ruling class that hates them and everything they stand for. This, of course, is unacceptable, so we’re starting to hear some rumblings about a new draft.

This would be a poor idea.

There’s talk about automatically registering people for the draft since 18-year-olds are no longer registering. There’s also talk about registering women. What there’s no talk about is whether it’s a good idea to register women. Apparently, the idea of drafting women is self-evidently good, even after we watched a whole bunch of Israeli females kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and raped for the last eight months. No, we’re not supposed to talk about that. We’re just supposed to sign on the line, raise our hands, and go die where we are told to for reasons that are never explained.

This comes at a time when things are getting worse all over the globe. Of course, the primary reason is that we have a joke for a president. It’s not a cheap fake that he’s a senile, corrupt pervert who has, as Robert Gates memorably said, been consistently wrong about every single major foreign policy issue for over 50 years.

China is arming at an incredible rate and will doubtlessly grab Taiwan in the not-too-distant future. Xi would be crazy not to do it in the next six months before Donald Trump – the Good Lord willing – takes office. Iran is weeks away from building a bomb, and it’s provoking war in Lebanon. Iranian proxies, the Houthis, are sinking ships – welcome to a world where we can’t even guarantee the freedom of the seas. Ukraine is barely holding on. There’s constant talk about how we will have to go in and fix this festering problem. North Korea and Russia are now formal allies. We’re busy undercutting Israel in its righteous struggle to annihilate Hamas. I expect Uruguay is going to start scoring off us next.

Yeah, there’s a whole lot of trouble out there in the world, and suddenly, the Pentagon has figured out that it doesn’t have enough bodies available to meddle in all these potential quagmires. It’s not going to be too long before we see the garbage ruling class solemnly determining that we’ve got to shanghai American citizens into the Armed Forces and impress them into service of their globalist agenda. The volunteers just aren’t volunteering. Hard to believe woke ads about feelz and hugging are not stirring the souls of tomorrow’s Rambos.

Their bogus appeals to our patriotism ring hollow. Is that the patriotism where our government targets veterans as extremist threats? The government that ignores duly passed laws to reimagine America’s demography by refusing to enforce our immigration laws, or where the alleged president illegally decrees that our troops will get to pick up the tab for the slackers’ gender studies degrees? The government that conspires to silence free speech and persecute patriotic protesters while letting communist rioters go free? The same government that is trying to frame and imprison the presidential candidate who patriots support?

Normal patriotic citizens would be eager to sign up to defend the United States of America, but not so much the skin suit USAwe have now.

You know, the volunteer military worked pretty darn good when we had a pretty darn good military. At its height 30+ years ago in Desert Storm, we actually won wars. I know that’s hard to believe, but there was a time when America beat its enemies instead of slinking away in defeat from whooping seven-century tribesmen. Americans were proud to be part of that military then. They were happy to defend their country’s interests, not the narrow interests of a bunch of Davos hacks who hate them. But that’s what we have now.

If America’s military were defending America, we’d have several divisions on the border, and we wouldn’t have a tsunami of Third World peasants and aspiring terrorists flooding into our country.

Our military’s purpose under this garbage ruling class is not the defense of America. It is the defense of the ruling class’s pagan obsessions. When climate change is allegedly our greatest strategic threat, you don’t have a serious military. You have a college faculty in camouflage. When diversity is supposed to be our strength instead of raw combat power, you don’t have a serious military. You have a joke.

Except this joke’s not funny. Normal people aren’t laughing. They are burying their dead.



  1. George Washington warned Americans to stay out of foreign entanglements. But since 1898 nothing but. The great irony - troops, troops everywhere but we cannot defend our own borders. History shows failed militaries consist of young boys, old men and the new element girls carrying M-16's and their makeup kits.

  2. Wow, great article! This would be utterly depressing if I didn't think Jesus was coming back in the next year or two. It is hard to watch this once great nation's complete collapse. I love Trump but he isn't going to save us. Put your trust in Jesus. The hour is late.

  3. This draft has multiple purposes. The previous and more historically normal intent is to build a military capable of defending the United States. Obviously that no longer applies. Thinking outside the box and applying recent developments with the indoctrination of our educational system, it is not a far stretch to see that this is an attempt to forcibly take control of an entire generation men and women and finalized that indoctrination. Sorta of forced slavery with an evil intent. The complete take down of the United States required that those of prime fitness be subdued , separated and used. Imagine the amount of evil that has risen and then apply it to the equation and arrive at the possibility.
