Monday, June 24, 2024

Russia: U.S. Responsible For Cluster Bomb Attack On Civilians At Sevastopol: 'Will Not Go Unpunished' "Retaliatory Measures To Follow'

Incident at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the US ambassador: Lavrov and Peskov described to her the coming "Armageddon" - "There will be serious reprisals"

Russia's Foreign Ministry today summoned the US ambassador, Lynn Tracy, to inform her that Moscow is accusing Kiev and Washington of being equally responsible for yesterday's deadly missile attack on Sevastopol, Crimea.

Russian sources speak of an intense verbal spat between the two sides with threats "raining down". Russian officials began to outline what Russian retaliation might look like.

Moscow picked up the "gauntlet" and now we have to see what will happen in practice.

"These kinds of actions from Washington... will not go unanswered. There will definitely be reprisals ," the ministry said in a statement.

Moscow accuses the Americans of "encouraging Nazi sympathizers in Ukraine to continue the war" and warns that Russia will respond.

As the Russian Foreign Ministry reported, "a breakthrough was made in connection with the new bloody crime of the Kiev regime, supported and armed by Washington, which launched a targeted missile strike on the civilian population of Sevastopol, accompanied by numerous casualties, including children ».

The State Department emphasized that the United States, which is "waging a hybrid war against Russia and has effectively become a party to the conflict, supplying the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the most modern weapons, including ATACMS missiles with cluster warheads, used against of the inhabitants of Sebastopol.

The targeting and routing of the flights are carried out by US military experts, who bear the same responsibility as the Kiev regime for this atrocity."

Such actions by Washington, aimed at encouraging the Ukrainian authorities to continue military operations until the "last Ukrainian", giving them permission to strike deep into Russian territory, will not go unpunished

Retaliatory measures will certainly follow," concludes the Russian Foreign Ministry

"The involvement of the United States in hostilities, as a result of which Russian civilians are killed, cannot but have consequences, what they will be - time will tell"!

This was stated by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, showing that the planet is now heading full speed towards escalation.

"Of course, the involvement of the United States of America in hostilities, the direct involvement in hostilities that result in the death of Russian civilians, this, of course, cannot but have consequences. 

What exactly time will tell ," Peskov characteristically told reporters. in response to a question as to whether the Russian Federation plans to retaliate diplomatically or otherwise against the United States given that American missiles were used in this attack.

Instead of an epilogue, in a related article, Ria Novosti, which reported Peskov's statements, wrote, among other things, spreading the scent of Armageddon that is emerging on Russian territory against Washington:

"The main danger to the whole world is that the Americans have never suffered a full-scale war on their soil. The bombs never fell on their heads, their mothers did not protect their children with their bodies from shrapnel.

This allows them to act like a monkey with a grenade – they have no idea what they will face in the event of a real conflict. But this is the main weakness of their strategy – they do not understand the logic of a major war.

Terrorist attacks can achieve only one thing in Russia – an even greater unity of our people, an even greater focus on victory, an even greater desire to avenge the death and martyrdom of our people.

We already went through all this eighty years ago, but we did not give up and very soon, we destroyed the evil of the world in its nest.

Earlier, the Russians destroyed the ATACMS missile launch pad

1 comment:

  1. Expect a tit for tat response. Where? American soil, maybe, likely? If so probably where those that make decisions that pertain to the use of cluster bombs will feel it. Hopefully not.
