Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jan Markell: Indifference Toward Israel And Bible Prophecy Wields Dangerous Ramifications

Indifference Toward Israel And Bible Prophecy Wields Dangerous Ramifications

I am deeply concerned and grieved that some of our nation’s most prominent Christian leaders just can’t get it right when it comes to issues of Bible prophecy or Israel. Equally troubling is the fact that eschatology has vanished from our pulpits in recent decades because it is “divisive,” “confusing,” and might drive away today’s “seekers.” I cannot figure out why the message that “the King is coming” doesn’t fit into today’s “feel good” theology.

The Bible says in II Thessalonians that there will be a great “falling away” from sound doctrine in the last days.  Perhaps that explains the surge of the trendy theology called “Preterism” which teaches that all or most of prophecy is history. It took place in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem. The Tribulation was the persecution of the saints. Nero was the antichrist most likely, though he died in 68 AD by suicide.

There are Full and Partial Preterists. A Partial Preterist would consider a Full Preterist heretical, for a Full Preterist teaches that Jesus even returned in 70 AD, although only “in spirit.”  But all Preterists believe there is no future antichrist, Tribulation, Millennium, or role for national Israel present or future. They do believe in the Second Coming of Christ and the resurrection of believers, but not in a Rapture.

The theology came along in the 1600s but wasn’t made trendy until 20th Century teachers like Ken Gentry, R.C. Sproul, Gary DeMar, and “The Bible Answerman” Hank Hanegraaff started heralding it. Hanegraaff clearly never met a Dispensationalist he didn’t address in a demeaning manner. He used his powerful international radio microphone to denounce the late Tim Lahaye, Hal Lindsey, and many more, on a weekly basis.

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