Thursday, June 13, 2024

All The Censorship in the World Can’t Hide That the West Is Failing

All The Censorship in the World Can’t Hide That the West Is Failing

Despite all the censorship and restrictions placed on their citizenry, the elite of the United States and the collective West cannot hide the fact that it is a declining empire that has been fleecing its taxpayers for decades to maintain and improve the lifestyles of the most wealthy.
As of 2023, the top 10% financially in the US controlled 66.9% of the wealth, with the top 1% holding 30.6% of the wealth on its own. Meanwhile, the bottom 50% of the country held only 2.5% of wealth.
That wealth inequality is becoming so drastic that Americans have been seeing its effects for themselves, no analysis or news reports needed. In December, chronic homelessness hit an all-time high in the US. In February, the collective credit card debt of Americans also reached an all-time high, surpassing $1.13 trillion.

As a result, Americans are understandably concerned about the economy, with a recent poll showing that 55% of Americans believe that the US economy is in a recession, despite a high stock market, low unemployment, a rising GDP and countless officials and articles and news reports telling Americans that they are wrong, the economy is actually doing great.
Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes? The Biden administration and mainstream media outlets seem to be asking Americans at every possible turn.
“[Americans are] forced to each and every day walk outside their house, go to work, eat lunch on the street, in the drive to work, and go, ‘Wow, there's a lot of tents up here. Wow, that's a lot of trash. Wow, a lot of shuttered businesses. What is going on?’” explained the host of AM-Wake Up, Steve Poikonen, while on Sputnik’s The Critical Hour on Tuesday.
“And then they see a bunch of goons on TV, like Paul Krugman, trying to tell you that the economy's never been better and that everything is fine. It’s a disconnect that is not going to work out well for the elite in the future.”


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