Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Day of Fury: The Antisemitic Pogrom at a Los Angeles Synagogue

A Day of Fury: The Antisemitic Pogrom at a Los Angeles Synagogue

Clashes broke out on  Sunday around Orthodox synagogue Adas Torah in Los Angeles as approximately 150 pro-Hamas protesters surrounded a real estate fair that was being held at the synagogue in the predominantly Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robertson.  The event was for people interested in purchasing a home in Israel. LAPD in riot gear surrounded the synagogue, but despite reports of fist fights and rock-throwing, the violent protest was allowed to continue for several hours. 

The initial protests were organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement LA and Code Pink LA.

The video footage from the Palestine protest outside of a synagogue in LA are shocking. Mob of protestors using violence against Jews in broad daylight. How does this movement have any legitimacy?

Several commentators noted the deplorable coverage of the antisemitic pogrom in the mainstream media. The attack was notably absent from the first three pages of the print edition of the LA Times and only merited a brief story on its website. 

“Doesn’t belong here,” Rabbi Hertzel Illulian told CBS News. “I don’t think the Jewish would go in front of a mosque or the Christian people would go in front of a mosque to do such a thing, nobody would accept this, but here, when it comes to Jews and Israel everything is kosher, everything is okay.”

Shervin Eli Natan, the co-founder and President of the United Jewish Coalition, posted a blog in the Times of Israel pointing at what he believes are the causes of the antisemitic attack. 

“The Jews of Los Angeles are no longer safe,” he wrote. “The events of June 23rd brought to life the darkest nightmare many of us hoped we would never witness on American soil. Los Angeles, once a city of dreams, now harbors domestic terrorists.”

Natan wrote that the stage for antisemitic violence was set by the left-wing “defund the police” movement and the lax policies of Soros-backed District Attorney George Gascon.


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