Friday, June 28, 2024

Updates From The Middle-East: Amir Tsarfati

Amir Tsarfati: Nothing Israel Faces Can Change The Promises Of God

Shalom from the Promised Land – Yes. Things are escalating in the north. Yes, we have political turmoil. Yes, my region of the world is chaotic. However, none of these realties change the fact that the promises of God are sure. God initiated my blessed country through Abraham. He rescued it through Moses. He restored in through Joshua. He preserved it through David. He rebirthed it from the ashes of the Holocaust, and He’s going to do an amazing work in my people in the future, just as He promised through the prophets and New Testament authors.

Tragically, the progressive movement within Israel continues to push on despite our existential threats. These people are ready to bring everything tumbling down with them as long as it means removing Netanyahu from office. First, they capitalized on CV and the fake trial, then it was the judicial reform, and now it’s the hostages. I feel bad for the families of the hostages. The progressives are sympathizing with the hostages for their own gain and nothing else. They are being used and abused!

If there is something I hope my country has learned from October 7, it is to never underestimate our enemy and overestimate our own capabilities. Just like it’s taking us over 8 months in Gaza, Hezbollah won’t go down without a long and painful fight. My hope and prayer are that hostages won’t be part of our war this time! We must make sure Hezbollah doesn’t get the chance to do to us what Hamas did.

War in Gaza

The war rages on as the IDF focuses primarily on Rafah. However, our troops are continuing to eliminate targets in other cities as well. In fact, our soldiers eliminated #4 in the hierarchy of this depraved terrorist group just days ago! 

Hamas has become accustomed to starting a war, negotiating a ceasefire, begging Gulf countries and the West for money for reconstruction, and then using most of that money to build tunnels and prepare for the next round. Meanwhile, their leaders get richer. The other Palestinians are just useful pawns. That which was shall be no more!

The West Bank

Last night, our soldiers conducted an overnight operation in Jenin wherein one soldier was killed and 16 more were injured after an improvised explosive device (IED) was detonated next to their armored vehicle. When the rescue force arrived, another IED went off. 

We continue to operate in the West Bank (Judea & Samaria) on a daily basis.

The Coming War in the North

We’re continuing to exchange strikes with Hezbollah on a day-to-day basis despite there technically being no declaration of war. Moreover, targeted assassinations are becoming a frequent occurrence. Multiple countries around the world have called on their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. Everyone knows a war is imminent. However, strikes aren’t limited to Lebanon. Israel has also recently targeted Iranian-backed militias in Eastern Syria. If dealing with Hezbollah isn’t enough, we now know that Iran is not afraid to attack us directly. They intend to involve themselves in any war we have with Hezbollah. And they’re not alone in this vow. Their militias in Iraq have vowed to involve themselves as well. Things are getting more prophetic by the day.

We have two promises: 1) That the God of Israel will help Israel and won’t allow it to be annihilated! And 2) That the enemies of Israel once again will be defeated! My prayer is that through the pain, sorrow, and sadness my nation is going through, more and more would lift up their eyes to see that our help comes from the Lord and it’s time to return back to Him. So, in a nutshell, please pray for two things: 1) For God’s victory to be quick and 2) for Israel to have the humility to acknowledge that the victory is from the Lord.

Calling Good Evil And Evil Good:

Calling Good Evil And Evil Good: We Cannot Stand By While Israel Is Falsely Accused Of ‘Genocide’

 In the Bible, Isaiah the prophet writes something that I believe really describes the days in which we are living, especially when it comes to Israel. In Isaiah 5:20, God says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

I believe that perfectly describes what we’re seeing with the widespread hatred of Israel at home and abroad. They accuse Israel of actions that they themselves commit.

Such was the case last week with a Palestine Solidarity group in Western Canada, in Regina, Saskatchewan. The group booked the film theater at the downtown public library to bring in speaker Jeet Heer, who is a national affairs correspondent for The Nation, a progressive monthly news magazine, to speak on why “Canada and the US [are] backing Israel’s genocide.” With that title, their cards are pretty much on the table regarding what the evening was going to look like. It’s just another opportunity to bash Israel and the Jewish people.

Several Israel-loving people, myself included, wrote letters to the library administration and contacted city councilors to express our deep concern regarding the event. We warned that its intention was to disseminate lies and propaganda against Israel and the Jewish people—which is contrary to the principles of education and community building that the institution stands for.

When the Palestine Solidarity group found out that there was opposition to their Israel bashing night, they immediately took to Facebook to share their displeasure.

“Supporters of the genocide.”

That’s how they started it off.

“Supporters of the genocide have been phoning city councilors to try to get this event canceled, in addition to tearing down posters we put up all around town,” Palestine Solidarity in Regina wrote. Apparently, it’s okay in this world to tear down posters of Israeli hostages, just not anti-semitic ones.


Pope Francis Laments ‘Mother Earth Violated and Devastated’

Pope Francis Laments ‘Mother Earth Violated and Devastated’

In his annual message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the pontiff urges people of faith to embrace “creation as an earthly paradise, mother earth, which is meant to be a place of joy and a promise of happiness for all.”

Harmony among men and women “should also be extended to creation,” he writes in the message released Thursday, “in a sense of responsibility for a humane and integral ecology, the path to salvation for our common home and for us who inhabit it.”

This conversion “entails leaving behind the arrogance of those who want to exercise dominion over others and nature itself, reducing the latter to an object to be manipulated,” he adds, “and instead embracing the humility of those who care for others and for all of creation.”

To claim the right to possess and dominate nature “represents a form of idolatry,” Francis declares, “a Promethean version of man who, intoxicated by his technocratic power, arrogantly places the earth in a ‘dis-graced’ condition, deprived of God’s grace.”

The protection of creation “is not only an ethical issue, but one that is eminently theological, for it is the point where the mystery of man and the mystery of God intersect,” he asserts.

Thursday’s message is just the latest in an unbroken series of ecological pronouncements that have characterized Francis’ 11-year pontificate.

In 2015, he became the first pope in history to dedicate an entire encyclical letter to environmental issues. In that letter, bearing the Latin title Laudato Si (“Praised Be”), the pope urged Christians to become more ecologically aware and active.

Francis also decried a failure to recycle paper and other resources, while calling climate change “a global problem with grave implications” and “one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.”

US Military’s Active Involvement In Ukraine Expanding.

Biden Brings the US Closer to Conflict with Russia

A report from the White House reveals that President Biden is considering allowing US contractors on the ground in Ukraine to provide technical assistance.

From the painfully slow agreement to allow Poland and others to provide Soviet-era MIG-29 jet fighters to taking more than two years to approve F-16s and providing modern tanks months after requested, the Biden defense team has helped extend the fighting between Ukraine and Russia. In April, Liberty Nation News reported that despite the Biden administration’s adamant resistance to putting US military “boots on the ground,” in Ukraine, US “troops will be working out of the embassy and providing guidance; they will not be in combat.”

However, the US military’s active involvement in the conflict in Ukraine appears to be expanding. It was only a matter of time before someone realized that the complex weapons and equipment the US provided to the Kyiv government would require routine maintenance, refurbishment, and repair. Keeping the weapons in the fight does not always allow for returning the equipment to a maintenance depot; sometimes, those repairs must be done on the spot.

A recent media report explained that the Biden administration is “moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine.” When asked about the report, a White House official denied that any decision had been made.

Nonetheless, skilled American military contractors will be allowed to work inside Ukraine after administration approval. The first weapon system to have US contractor maintenance help will likely be the F-16 Falcon fighters expected to be delivered later this summer. As the CNN report explained, “The White House has been determined to limit both the danger to Americans and the perception, particularly by Russia, that the US military is engaged in combat there.” Regardless of what the White House wants, with US troops providing advice from the US Embassy and US military contractors providing maintenance support in the field, Russia may perceive this as a distinction without a difference.

It’s not surprising that most observers of US policy toward supporting Ukraine are confused. The indeterminate pace at which the Biden administration supplies Ukraine with critical weapon systems and the restrictions levied on the use of those weapons guarantees the Russian invaders will not experience the equipment’s full capability. Nonetheless, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin does not appreciate the nuances of Biden’s conditions for using US-provided weapons. “The Kremlin on Monday [June 3] said the US could face ‘fatal consequences’ if it ignores Moscow’s warnings that Ukraine should not use weapons provided by Washington to attack Russia,” Politiconoted.

Mainstream Deception - More To Come

Why you should NEVER believe your eyes

Artificial Intelligence in general can draw, in seconds, any image you care to describe. It can generate photo-realistic facesthat could be used as “victims” and “mugshots”, or cast any fake drama with fake actors.

Free online tools can do all of the above passably already. Obviously, governments and mega-corporations would have access to more expensive advanced tools that would probably be near-impossible to detect.

Hollywood movies deploy CGI to bring dead actors back to life, add modern faces to old news footage, burn cities to the ground or make 60-year-olds look 20 again.

Simply put – You can’t trust images or videos. Ever. It’s a lesson we all need to learn.

So, we know that fast-developing tools make highly convincing fake news or staged events not only possible but easy. For our final point I want to focus more on the repeated lesson of history people refuse to learn:

They. Already. Fake. Everything.

OK, not literally everything, but a lot. A huge amount. Much more than most people grasp.

It’s a minor example, but in this clip from CNN, two female reporters are pretending to be miles apart doing a satellite interview, when a bus going by in the background proves that they are in fact in the same parking lot, and aren’t separated by more than fifty feet.

A reminder of just how much of the media we consume every day is some type of unreality, one way or another.

You could say  “reality”, as we understand it, is barely ever seen in the media. Magazine covers are photoshopped. Interviews are stage-managed. “Scandals” can be largely PR stunts. “Reality television” is full of paid actors in simulated conflict with one another. Every scenario a contrivance, every emotion a performance.

The internet is rife with weather reporters leaning into hurricane winds that aren’t there, or paddling canoes in “floods” six inches deep.

Watch this video, allegedly recorded in Egypt circa the Arab Spring:

In his book Bought Journaliststhe late Udo Ulfkotte recounts being in Iraq during the war and watching journalists poor petrol on burnt out tanks and cars, miles from the frontline, so they could set them on fire and pretend to be reporting from a warzone.

Within days of Russia launching its “special military operation” in Ukraine, both mainstream media and social media were flooded with fake and misattributed videos selling made-up stories.

The media landscape is saturated with pretend, and has been for decades.

The technology discussed above doesn’t mean they will start faking things, it means the faking they’ve been doing for years will be easier to do and harder to detect.

The technology exists. The motivation exists. The required levels of dishonesty and corruption more than exist. The lazy entitlement that ‘justifies’ a culture of pretend also exists.


The EMP Threat To The West Continues To Grow

The EMP Threat To The West Continues To Grow

An EMP is essentially a large nuclear bomb that explodes in the outer atmosphere. In a cone-shaped area below, all electricity infrastructures and electronic devices fail. The area can be predetermined by arranging the size of the cone beforehand. So, for example, an attack could be focused on greater Chicago or the entire Midwest.

The explosion causes no immediate deaths. But after roughly 10 days, many people will die due to lack of food (because refrigeration is impossible), water (most water is delivered by electric pumps), working sewer systems, communications, transportation, etc.

Russia is now perfecting such a weapon. They are sending a nuclear device into space mounted on a satellite. It will be ready for use if and when Russia deems it necessary. We have no defense against it.

Developing this weapon is in serious violation of treaties signed in the past. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin knows that the Biden administration is incapable of making or following through on any threats.

Teddy Roosevelt's advice "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" does not apply in this case. The only stick we're carrying is a cane. And everybody knows it.

In my recent meeting with a ranking House Intelligence Committee member, we discussed the "evil four": North Korea, China, Russia and Iran. They have individual agreements among themselves for mutual protection, NATO style. (Putin was in North Korea last weekend). Three of the four are already nuclear powers. Iran will likely make it a quartet.

Regarding Iran, America survived the Cold War because of the doctrine of mutual assured destruction (MAD). No one wanted to be the recipient of a massive reciprocal nuclear attack. Despite the Cold War arms buildup, not a single nuclear missile was fired. We tend to think similarly about Iran but we are completely wrong.

The Iranian mullahs believe that their Twelfth Imam--an occluded messianic figure termed the Mahdi--is on earth but in hiding. The Iranian regime is convinced that it must make him appear and manifest himself. This is a religious obligation in Shi'ite Islam.

How does MAD apply in this context? Well, Iran is a big country with more than 90 million residents. If even 50% of its population dies in a war with the West, the Iranian regime will see them all as martyrs of God who will go to heaven.

So, MAD is no threat to them. They see such destruction as a victory--a win for them. Americans do not understand this way of thinking, nor that it is in service of Iran's ultimate objective of the Islamification of the West.

What about the Sunni Saudi Arabia? Its leader Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is trying very hard to bring his country into the 21st century. He's accomplishing this by eliminating radical Islam and proposing a more moderate form of the faith. All Sunni beliefs and directives, globally, come from Saudi Arabia. They are very different from Iran's.

Note that none of the above has anything to do with Israel, Gaza or the current war. It has been brewing for a while. The alliance of North Korea, China, Russia and Iran is focused on destroying America's superpower status.

At the moment, Iran in particular is creating havoc in the Middle East through their proxy terror groups the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas. Clearly, the immediate threat is to Israel, but the ultimate target is Western "dominance."

This is a major threat to the West. The United States should wake up to it and fast. Hopefully, it's not too late.

Economic Collapse May Be the Only Way to Prevent World War III

Economic Collapse May Be the Only Way to Prevent World War III

The tensions between the West and Russia over the Ukraine have escalated over the past few months with an almost daily occurrence of provocations and belligerent talk mostly from members of NATO.  In response, Russia sent a naval contingent to the Caribbean in a show of force.  Some of the Western provocations include:

  • - Polish President Andrzej Duda’s willingness to place U.S. nuclear weapons on Polish soil;
  • - German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius’ s call for reinstitution of a draft;
  • - A hand-delivered check by Biden to Volodymyr Zelensky as part of the $95 billion U.S. “defense” package for Ukraine
  • - A request by Zelensky for Westerners to train troops on Ukrainian soil; and
  • - US and NATO okaying Ukraine to fire long-range American weapons as much as 12 miles into Russian territory
It is apparent that, until Russian President Vladimir Putin capitulates to Western demands in regard to Ukraine, NATO will continue to push the envelop.  In hindsight, analysts such as Paul Craig Roberts have, from the start, urged Putin to swiftly finish off Ukraine militarily and replace the Zelensky regime with one favorable to Russia.  A protracted struggle, Roberts warned, would give the West more time to supplement Ukraine: “The conflict dragged on, because having declared the intervention limited, the Kremlin left Kiev to continue the war, thus playing into Western hands as the West gradually widened the war.” *

Unfortunately for Russia, Paul Craig Roberts’s prognostication is now coming to fruition.

The counter argument to a more aggressive Russia is that Putin realizes that the West is run by a pack of sociopaths who would have no qualms launching WWIII, which would include the use of nuclear weapons, or ignite a major military conflagration in the area.  The Russian president sees that the West holds a decisive military advantage over Russia even if it allied with China.  The U.S. alone spends more than the combined expenditures of the top nine militaries in the world.

The United States has thus the ability and means to operate and intervene in almost any sector of the world.  It is able to do so because it has had, for the longest time, an economy which was able to not only produce goods for the domestic market and also for its foreign adventures.  It takes wealth to be able to arm, transport, deploy, and maintain men in distant lands.

Because of America’s relatively free economy, it could produce a seemingly endless supply of military hardware for itself, but also to buy off client states and fund proxy wars.  In contrast, the Soviet Union could never export communism in any significant way after World War II because it lacked the means to do so.  Its economy was a basket case that could barely feed its citizens.

While the U.S. may have the military capability to be the world’s policeman, its actions in the Ukraine are ultimately controlled by ideology.  And, for the longest time, U.S. foreign policy has been one of interventionism and war with the ultimate goal of the establishment of a one-world state.  Its proxy war in Ukraine is designed to cripple Russia, which stands as a roadblock to this long-desired goal.

Since it is apparent that the principles guiding U.S. foreign policy are not going to change anytime soon, the nation will continue on its bellicose course until it no longer has the means to do so.  This would mean a financial crisis, most likely in the form of a dollar collapse, which would ground the economy to a halt.

In such a scenario, the United States would be following the course that Great Britain took after World War II, when its empire could no longer be sustained since the country insanely exhausted itself in the conduct of fighting two world wars.

A similar, earlier historical example was the Western Roman empire, which, through currency debasement, heavy taxation and government largesse, ruined its economy and then could no longer maintain its empire.

While an economic collapse would mean misery for millions of Americans, it would be, in a sense, retribution for the nation’s murderous and costly foreign policy, which has brought, and still is bringing, untold death and destruction to millions of people.

Is The Global Inflationary Depression Already Here?

Is The Global Inflationary Depression Already Here?

There was an oblique message buried in a New York Times story on the growing crisis in commercial real estate in cities. Yes, this is exactly the kind of article that people pass over because it seems like it doesn’t have broad application. In fact, it does. It affects the core of issues like our city skylines, how we think about urbanism and progress, where we vacation and work, and whether the big cities are drivers or drains on national productivity.

The note mentions the “broader distress brewing in the commercial real estate market, which is hurting from the twin punches of high interest rates, which make it harder to refinance loans, and low occupancy rates for office buildings — an outcome of the pandemic.”

We are used to this kind of language blaming the pandemic for the results of lockdowns. Of course, it was a man-made decision to turn a respiratory virus into an excuse to shut down the world. The lockdowns blew up all economic data, generating seesawing graphs on every indicator never seen in industrial history. They also made before/after comparison extremely difficult.

The consequences will echo long into the future. The high interest rates are a result of trying to slow down the money spigot unleashed in March 2020, in which more than $6 trillion in new cash appeared out of nowhere and was distributed as if by helicopter.

What did the money injection do? It generated inflation. How much? Sadly, we do not know. The Bureau of Labor Statistics simply cannot keep up, partially because the Consumer Price Index does not calculate the following: interest on anything, taxes, housing, health insurance (accurately), homeowners insurance, car insurance, government services like public schools, shrinkflation, quality declines, substitutions due to price, or additional service fees.

That’s a major part of what has gone up, which is why data on particular industries shows a huge gap (groceries up 35% over four years) and why ShadowStats estimates inflation in double digits two years running, having peaked at 17%. Just adding in interest, a paper from NBER estimates, takes 2023 inflation to 19%.

Various studies have shown that since 2019 fast food prices — a gold standard in financial markets for measuring true inflation — have outpaced official CPI by between 25% and 50%.

So far, we’ve dealt briefly with inflation, output, sales, and output, and find that none of the official data is reliable. One mistake bleeds to others, such as adjusting output for inflation or adjusting sales for increased prices. The jobs data is particularly problematic because of the problem of double-counting.

When you add it all up, you get a strange sense that nothing we are being told is real. According to official data, the dollar has lost about 23 cents in purchasing power over the last four years. Absolutely no one believes this. Depending on what you actually spend money on, the real answer is closer to 35 cents or 50 cents or even 75 cents…or more. We do not know what we cannot know.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The War on Farmers

The War on Farmers will cause “food wars” – not climate change

According to a report by the Financial Times yesterday, Olam Agri, one of the world’s largest agricultural commodity traders, has warned that the world is heading towards “food wars” due to geopolitical tensions and climate change which are pushing countries into conflict over dwindling food supplies.

“Big agricultural commodity traders, which reaped record profits in 2022 after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine sent food prices soaring, have been accused of exacerbating flood price inflation through profit-boosting mark-ups,” the Financial Times said.

“Food prices started to climb in the wake of covid-19 and surged following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as some exports of grain and fertilisers were blocked by the conflict. This deepened food insecurity in poorer countries and left consumers all over the world facing a cost-of-living crisis,” the news outlet noted.

But Verghese argued that elevated food price inflation was in part the result of government intervention. A proliferation of non-tariff trade barriers in 2022 in response to the war had “created an exaggerated demand-supply imbalance.”

The gist of his argument is that trade barriers and protectionist policies are creating tensions between countries, leading to conflicts over food supplies while climate change is affecting global food production, leading to shortages and price increases, which can spark conflicts over resources.

While Trade barriers and conflicts can lead to price increases, making food unaffordable for many people, conflicts over food supplies can lead to food insecurity, malnutrition and even famine.  And “food wars” could have a significant impact on the global economy, leading to economic instability and recession.

If there is a concern about “food wars,” why are governments of Western nations waging a war on farmers in the name of climate change?

The War on Farmers is a global phenomenon and it has been gaining momentum in recent years. Various forms of attacks, restrictions and policies imposed on farmers by governments, corporations and environmental groups, threaten farmers’ livelihoods, national food security and the global food supply.

For example, the Dutch government has imposed strict regulations on farming practices, including reducing the use of nitrogen fertilizers, which has led to protests and concerns about food security.

Another example is the US government’s policies, such as the Renewable Fuel Standard, which have led to increased costs for farmers and reduced crop yields, making it difficult for them to compete with large corporations.

The War on Farmers continues.  Yesterday, livestock farmers in Denmark were warned that the farts and burps from their cows, sheep and pigs will be measured and taxed from 2030, the first country in the world to do so as it targets methane emissions.

And yesterday, the No Farmers No Food campaign posted the video below of a British farmer. “We’re now being paid to stop growing food and grow wildflowers,” he said.

It’s not global warming or a climate change “emergency” that could cause “food wars” –  it’s the War on Farmers.  It’s the attacks on farmers that have the consequences of creating food shortages, food insecurity and economic instability.

This is the hypocrisy of the climate crisis agenda and it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Waging a War on Farmers to “fight climate change” and then blaming “climate change” for “food wars” is a never-ending cycle of problem-reaction-solution. It is the Hegelian Dialectic, manipulating public opinion and controlling society by creating a problem, eliciting a reaction and then offering a pre-determined solution.  A solution that only benefits self-styled elites and their agendas.

Hezbollah shells north with 40 rockets after operative killed in IDF drone strike

Hezbollah shells north with 40 rockets after operative killed in IDF drone strike

Hezbollah launched a barrage of some 40 rockets at northern Israel on Thursday afternoon, in what the terror group said was a response to recent Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon, including the killing of one of its operatives earlier in the day.

The exchange of fire came as American intelligence expected a major escalation between Israel and Hezbollah in the coming weeks in the absence of a ceasefire with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Politico reported.

An unnamed senior US official told the outlet that the risk of war is higher than it has been for weeks. The officials said that a major attack by either side, which could spark a war, could happen with “little notice.”

Amid travel warnings from Washington and several European countries, two senior officials who spoke to Politico said the start date of a war was unclear, but that Israel was acquiring arms and building up forces quickly.

Meanwhile, the Israel Defense Forces said most of the rockets fired in the major barrage at the northern city of Safed and nearby communities were downed by the Iron Dome air defense system.

Police said that some of the rockets caused damage to property, and the Fire and Rescue Service said it was working to extinguish fires sparked by the attack.

Sirens had sounded in Safed and several towns in the Galilee amid the barrage, which Hezbollah claimed responsibility for.

In a statement, the terror group claimed to have launched dozens of Katyusha rockets at Israeli military bases in the Galilee.

Did Israel Simulate A Strike On Iran? "State of the Art Israeli missile passed Crete and fell off Malta" say the Russians

Israel will attack Iran: "State of the Art Israeli missile passed Crete and fell off Malta" say the Russians

Russian early warning radars detected the launch of an Israeli medium-range ballistic missile which passed "right" over Crete and fell into the sea area off Malta.

According to the Russians, Israel simulated a strike on Iran while there are fears that the simulation was not for a simple strike but for a nuclear one.

The Israeli missile traveled about 1,800 kilometers from the launch site, about the distance to Tehran.

The Russian think tank Rybar reports for its part:

“On June 24, Israel conducted a missile test.

People living near the Palmachim air base recorded the launch of a missile from a military installation.

Residents of Malta reported the missile flying and falling somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. The distance was about 1700-1800 kilometers.

We searched the available Navtex and NOTAM data and indeed found flight and movement restrictions in the area east of the island nation for those dates only.

Given the distance from Israel, the flight of Elint Shavit planes (they always fly close by when testing missiles), and the lack of media coverage, the Israelis must have been trying something serious.

Moreover, a distance of 1800 km is enough to hit Tehran from Tel Aviv. And against the background of the escalation with Lebanon and the declarations of the Iranian side about possible entry into the conflict, such a test seems very symbolic."

The Iranian nuclear threat is re-emerging as a top priority for Israel as Iran takes alarming steps to advance its nuclear program. As the war continues to rage, Israel is rushing to refocus on Iran's nuclear project while pushing the US for action against Tehran.

"Intelligence indicates a move towards nuclear weapons, which is why the Israeli Air Force is conducting long-range strike exercises. Israel is asking for US support against Tehran," Israeli sources say.

The Israeli exercises included long-range flights, air refueling and deep strike operations, Israeli media Israel Hayom reports. Specifically, the Air Force created an "Iranian sector of operations" during the current war amid intelligence assessments that show Iran's alarming progress toward nuclear weapons capabilities.

Israel fears that Iran will move too quickly towards acquiring nuclear weapons while the US is busy campaigning for the presidential election. Tehran may also count on the ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon to divert attention away from its nuclear moves


Russia: Confiscation Of Gov't Assets Abroad Considered Declaration Of War - 'We Will Be Forced To Retaliate'

Developments: Russia put a new casus belli against the West on the table

Confiscation of government assets abroad can be considered a legitimate cause for a declaration of war. This is what the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, said at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum (PMJF), commenting on Western manipulations in relation to Russia's assets, which the internationalists want to "get their hands on" in order to deliver to Ukraine!

Essentially, the former president of Russia raised a new casus belli in the confrontation with the West

The theft of state assets can be classified as aggression under certain conditions, Medvedev stressed. And even to become a casus belli (s.s. Latin "cause of war"), since the state could, in response, insist on the right of individual and collective self-defense.

"We will be forced to retaliate based on the principle of reciprocity," concluded Medvedev, recalling that the Russian president had previously signed a decree to seize US assets and those who tolerate them.

Western sanctions imposed against Russia at the end of February 2022 after the start of a special military operation in Ukraine affected banks and private accounts and formed the basis for the freezing of part of the foreign reserves of the Russian Central Bank. In total, almost half of the funds were blocked – about $300 billion out of a total of $640 billion.

Moscow expects to sign new co-operation pact with Iran

Moscow expects to sign new co-operation pact with Iran
Rapture Forums

Many people have been asking lately if the end times prophecies regarding Ezekiel 38-39 are still on track given the current war between Israel and Hamas. While that war is currently occupying most of the headlines today in the Middle East, we can see clearly from the article below that Russia and Iran are continuing to build and cement their growing relationship in these last days.

In a sign that the Russian and Iranian End Times prophecies are slowly, but surely gaining traction, it is being reported by the Jerusalem Post:

Moscow expects to sign a new agreement on comprehensive cooperation with Iran “in the very near future,” Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko told Russia’s RIA state news agency in an interview published on Tuesday.

“We expect that this agreement will be signed in the very near future, since work on the text is already close to completion. All the necessary wording has been found,” RIA cited Rudenko as saying.

The Bible talks about in Ezekiel 38-39, the coming invasion of Israel by a coalition of countries that are aligned against her. The main players in these prophecies are Russia, Iran, and Turkey. They are the first three countries mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39. Other countries mentioned in the prophecies are countries that essentially surround Israel from all sides. Outside of Russia, the rest of the countries are of Islamic origin.

While this won’t surprise many watchers of Bible prophecy, we can easily see what the motivating force behind this prophecy will be. The Bible mentions that the motivation for the invaders is for material gain (to take a spoil). I believe that Islam will also be part of the driving force as well. Given the current sanctions against Russia for their ill-fated invasion of Ukraine, it is easy to see that Russia would be interested in the financial gain (money, minerals, energy, and natural resources) of the invasion as well as to restore their power and standing in the world. We can easily see that the Islamic countries would like to destroy Israel once and for all.
