Thursday, February 29, 2024

Putin makes direct threat to NUKE the West as he accuses NATO and the US of 'preparing to strike' Russia in his annual address to the nation

Vladimir Putin has made a direct threat to nuke the West as he accused NATO and the US of 'preparing to strike' Russia in his annual address to the nation.

The Russian president, 71, said: 'They, NATO and America, are active in other parts of the world, of course, and they continue to lie there, to deceive. 

'They are preparing to strike our territory and, using the best possible forces, the most effective forces to do so.

'But we remember the fate of those who try to invade our territory and of course their fate will be much more tragic than anything we could face.'

Putin repeatedly lauded Russia's vastly modernised nuclear arsenal in his speech and added as a warning to the West: 'They have to understand that we also have weapons, weapons that can defeat them on their own territory. 

'Of course all this is very dangerous, because it could actually trigger the use of nuclear weapons. Do they not understand that?' 

The Russian despot also chillingly assured that 'strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness for guaranteed use', but warned the use of nuclear weapons would equal the 'destruction of civilisation'.

He also told NATO countries that their threats have created a 'real' risk of nuclear war if they sent troops to Ukraine, adding that Russia must strengthen its western military district after Finland and Sweden's admission to the Atlantic alliance as Finland has a long land border with northwest Russia.

'They should eventually realise that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. 

Everything that the West comes up with creates the real threat of a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, and thus the destruction of civilisation,' Putin added. 

The United States and key European allies this week said they had no plans to send ground troops to Ukraine, after France hinted at the possibility.

He also claimed that the West was trying to 'drag' Russia into an arms race. 'They are trying to wear us down, to repeat the trick they succeeded (in pulling off) with the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

'Therefore, our task is to develop the defence-industrial complex in such a way as to increase the scientific, technological and industrial potential of the country.

In terms of allies, Putin said he believes it is important for Russia to strengthen ties with Arab countries and Latin American countries.

He also praised policies from allied countries such as the 'One Belt, One Road' initiative in China - a global infrastructure strategy.

Mr Putin has repeatedly said that he sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022 to protect Russian interests and prevent Ukraine from posing a major security threat to Russia by joining Nato. 

'We did not start this war in Donbas. As I have said many times, we will do everything to end it, to eradicate Nazism. To fulfill all the tasks of the special military operation. To protect the sovereignty and security of our citizens.' 

Visibly angry, Putin, Russia's paramount leader for more than two decades, suggested Western politicians recall the fate of those, like Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler and France's Napoleon Bonaparte who unsuccessfully invaded his country in the past.

'But now the consequences will be far more tragic,' said Putin. 'They think it (war) is a cartoon,' he said.

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