Tuesday, November 7, 2023

WEF Warns About The Next Pandemic 'Will Kill Billions'

WEF Scientists Brag Next Pandemic Will ‘Kill Billions’

WEF-funded scientists have warned that the “next pandemic” will be the deadliest virus humanity has ever seen, and will result in the deaths of billions of humans

Dubbed the “Big One,” the WEF panel of scientists predicted that the next major outbreak is already “simmering in the background.”

The paramyxovirus family has over 75 viruses, including mumps, measles, and respiratory tract infections.

NN reports: It was added to the list of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’s (NIAID) pandemic pathogens to watch in October.

One of the viruses, the Nipah virus, can infect cells with receptors that regulate what gets in or out of cells that line the central nervous system and vital organs.

This variant has a fatality rate of up to 75 percent compared to Covid’s, which is well under one percent.

Scientists note that unlike the flu and Covid are “speedy shape-shifters,” paramyxoviruses appear not to mutate as they spread, but they have become “very good at transmission among humans.”

“Just imagine if a paramyxovirus emerged that was as contagious as measles and as deadly as Nipah,” Michael Norris, Ph.D., assistant professor at the University of Toronto, said in a statement.

In fact, the 2011 film Contagion was based on this exact kind of imagined paramyxovirus.

Starring Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kate Winslet, a woman returns home from a business trip in Hong Kong and brings back a lethal microbe that triggered a global pandemic.

The disease in the movie was the Nipah virus.

“Influenza has been sequenced to death,” Benhur Lee, a virologist at Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine, told The Atlantic.

Lee continued to explain that this is not the case for paramyxoviruses because most people infected with one of the more than 75 viruses do not survive, making it nearly impossible to develop treatments and vaccines.

Even though scientists have known about paramyxoviruses for more than one century, they have yet to understand how the viruses move into new species and mutations taken on to infect humans.


  1. What they are saying is: we plan on engineering another pandemic to kill billions.

  2. So, National Security should visit them, make sure they can't engineer squat, very suspicious indeed, IMO!
