Friday, November 10, 2023

The pope’s advice of a ceasefire and coming together

The pope’s absurd advice of a ceasefire and coming together

Is it the fact that he’s 86, and no longer has clarity of mind, or is it that he really doesn’t have a grasp on the mindset of barbaric terrorists? 

Either way, the recent calls made by Pope Francis for there to be a ceasefire, in the Hamas-Israel war, is one of the greatest absurdities, which only testifies to his complete inability to recognize profound evil that must be fought and eradicated.

Vatican News quotes the pope as saying, “May we think about the children, all the children involved in this war…we are killing their future in this way.”

It would appear that the pontiff needs a reminder that the future of the children, toddlers and babies who were burned alive, stuffed in an oven, shot and tortured, is already irrelevant, since they are no longer with us. Were their precious lives meaningless to the point that a ceasefire should be declared, rendering Israel unable to avenge their deaths as would any other nation under siege? 

And what happens to the terrorists who would be able to remain in their safe haven of Gaza until the next round when they would, once again, parachute into our sovereign country in order to inflict yet another savage massacre? That is what they have said they would do. 

Since when is it okay to close your eyes to that kind of depravity and call for peace in the midst of ongoing terror and the butchering of innocents? 

The pope, who claims to be God’s representative on earth, per the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church, must have forgotten the most basic of scriptures when it comes to the nation of Israel – “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” Genesis 12:3. Hamas, has chosen to curse Israel, to brutally kill her children, among other innocents, and the last thing they are willing to do is to take the advice of Pope Francis who says that “everyone should gather the courage to end the war.” 

It is Hamas’ deplorable actions that have brought a curse upon themselves, and part of that curse is the resulting consequence, which calls for their eradication so that they cannot inflict further massacres upon the Chosen People who neither asked for this war nor have purposed to kill innocent Gazan children but, instead, have humanely provided an exit road for them to escape. 

The pope goes on to say: “Let’s pray that we have the strength to say enough.” Well, I’m happy to inform him that his prayers have been answered, because Israel has truly said, “Enough!” – enough to the targeted murder of children, enough to the targeted murder of young people at a forest party, enough to the slaughter of entire families, enough to the burning of their homes and communities and enough to the inculcated hatred that these terrorists have received since birth. 

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