Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Anti-Human Agenda

The Anti-Human Agenda

They’ve outlined their plan for the GR & it’s an insane dystopian nightmare of enforced passivity, medical & climate tyranny.

15-minute cities.
Little or no access to wild spaces.
Strictly monitored & limited travel.
Little to no real meat or dairy. 

They’re serious…

They intend to bring all this right to YOU, wherever or whoever you are.

Unless you’re super-rich, this is YOUR future.

They know if you start focusing on this too much, you will be appalled & resist.

So they need a distraction.

And they will do literally anything to achieve that. Try to recall this when your controlled media, who told you to get vaxxed in 2021, are now laying out their stalls of race hate & rage.

They were serving an anti-human agenda then.

What do you think they’re serving now?

And when they tell you to look at this or that boogeyman, they assure you it is very scary and coming to get you.

They cynically killed people with lockdowns & DNRs & withdrawal of care just to get some excess mortality figures they could manipulate into “COVID deaths.”

Because other human lives mean nothing to them.

Now they’re cynically killing people with war. To fill us with outrage, counter-outrage, hate, fear–all the primal emotions that shut down higher thinking to divide us & distract us from the prison camp being built around all of us, & from which, once built, there’ll be no escape.

Those who pay for & promote stuff like this KNOW there will inevitably be a backlash

The backlash is the point.

They don’t care about Palestinians or Israelis or any of us 99%.

They don’t give a stuff how many people end up dead.

It’s just a means to an end...

1 comment:

  1. The article is correct. Those pushing the agenda do not care about the 99 percent. The goal is depopulation of the planet and reset creating what they believe to be a utopian plan. Much easier to reset with less people.
