Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Terry James: World’s Rage toward Holocaust

World’s Rage toward Holocaust
Terry James

George Santayana’s aphorism, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” has never been more apropos than at this moment. Developments are leaping to the forefront at this late hour of the age leading to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ—developments that are mind-boggling.

Yet vast numbers of people, particularly in America, seem oblivious to the absolute madness of the building rage of hatred toward the Jewish race. The insane rants of college students are mind-boggling to my generation, but regarding much of the rest of the nation, the call for genocide—and that’s what it is, make no mistake—isn’t registering. At least, major nationwide disgust over the atrocities perpetrated isn’t being reported by mainstream media.

And mainstream media is at the sin-darkened heart of the dementia. That is, mainstream media —news and entertainment as well as left-wing blogosphere forums—have so hidden truth about the Israel/Hamas conflict as to cerebrally and spiritually incapacitate much of the American populace. Particularly, the college-age population has largely been either inculcated to view Jews as evil or dumbed down through such media truth-blocking. For example, they are falsely reporting that the Hamas attack on October 7 was not genocidal hatred being carried out by insanely evil terrorists, but is an understandably passionate and legitimate movement designed to fight against Jewish occupiers of Palestinian land “from the river to the sea.”

Thus we have the cerebral and spiritual dementia—the forgetfulness of which George Santayana wrote—apparently infecting the entire country and much of the rest of the world as well. We therefore can now understand the Truth of God’s Word and the words of His prophet Zechariah, who said Jerusalem and Israel will become a “burdensome stone and cup of trembling” to the whole world.

While listening to a program early one recent morning, I heard the words of a British soldier in a documentary of several decades ago. He was speaking to the interviewer, telling of his being part of the D-Day invasion to destroy Hitler’s Nazi regime and end war in Europe.

He said he had, during many battles during World War II, seen many, many horrendous scenes—literally, blood and bodies torn asunder. Before that, he worked in hospital settings in England. He had seen terrible human carnage of every description. So he wasn’t squeamish, but battle-hardened. But when his British Army group reached the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, he and every battle-hardened veteran became physically sick. They all became totally silent as they observed the walking skeletons—skin barely draped over walking, corpse-like victims of the Nazi Holocaust. It was, he said, something he wished every person of every generation could see so they would believe it happened and would therefore stop such inhumanity to their fellow humans whenever it again raised its ugly head.

Well, it is raising its ugly, satanic head again. And the youngsters haven’t seen the black-and-white films of the walking dead described by this old, war-hardened, British soldier, as he expressed he wished would happen.

The college students—and others who have forgotten, or haven’t been taught, prefer the lies. They prefer, rather, to keep their noses in their smartphones and instead attend exciting “protests” against the much-hated Jews. We are witnessing the rising of another holocaust. It is the holocaust Jesus and the prophet Jeremiah spoke about in warning about what is coming on this judgment-bound world of anti-God rebels:

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. (Matthew 24:21)

This generation is about to experience the ramifications of “forgetting the past,” as Santayana warned. Treatment of God’s chosen people is at the heart of bringing God’s righteous judgment and wrath down on a world whose inhabitants have rejected His Son, Jesus Christ, whom He sent as the sacrificial lamb slain from the foundation of the world for the redemption of sin-fallen humankind.


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