Monday, November 13, 2023

Russia’s Revelations on Ukraine Biolabs Force US to Curtail Global Biowarfare Research

Russia’s Revelations on Ukraine Biolabs Force US to Curtail Global Biowarfare Research

Russia’s Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Troops began to shed light on the dramatic extent of US military-biological activities at dozens of facilities in Ukraine in the spring of 2022, uncovering work on a mindboggling array of deadly pathogens. Many of their findings have since been independently corroborated.
The United States was forced to scale back its global military-biological programs in the wake of Russia’s revelations about their extent, Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Troops chief Igor Kirillov has said.

“We face a difficult situation [as far as biological security goes, ed.] due to the fact that practically 46 biological laboratories were located on the territory of Ukraine. How do our overseas opponents react to Russia’s statements? Some have kept silent, sometimes they give instructions not to react at all. Some of their work has been curtailed, and we consider this to be our achievement,” Kirillov said in an interview with Russian TV on Monday, on the occasion of the RCBD Troops’ professional holiday.

“We managed to get through to many countries,” Kirillov stressed, saying Russia’s efforts to inform the world on US military-biological activities have prompted other nations to ask questions about “what the Pentagon is actually doing on their territories,” with its global biolab network.

Kirillov and the RCBD Troops have spent 20 months briefing Russians, Ukrainians and the world community on the extent of the US military-biological programs in Ukraine, revealing work on a dizzying array of dangerous pathogens, from hepatitis A and E to typhoid fever, cholera, and a host of viruses, as well as programs seeking to utilize local flora, fauna and waterways to spread disease, including using pathogens which target specific ethnic groups. Along with Ukraine and Eastern Europe, the RCBD Troops also revealed the extent of American military biological research in other countries and regions across the globe, from Africa to Asia.

Russia’s revelations, based on thousands of seized documents, also uncovered some of the minutiae of the intricate workings of bureaucratic mechanisms and US big pharma involvement in funding pathogen research, revealing, for instance, that a biotech company affiliated with a Hunter Biden-linked investment fund has engaged in research into quarantine infections that could damage countries’ agriculture. Independent reporting has subsequently confirmed these links, based on data found in Biden’s infamous lost laptop.


  1. lol, right. They have plenty of locations I am sure outside of Ukraine.

  2. Better understanding as those reputed claims of USA's Bio labs are seemingly reputed true, IMO? Why would Russia, whose paranoid about spies anyway, tolerate OUR stupid Bio weaponry Labs yonder, and that up close to Russia???

    Can't blame Russia for exposing grave concerns about hazard bio/chemical weapons on their doorsteps, and it's funded by WHO again??? Russia is fruity but hey, NO one likes what happen with sent CCP Covid & USA funding it as reputed, right? Eradication of terrorists, deadly labs, all rats, seems in order with the crazies for evil these days, IMO!

    Anthrax is being thrown around as possibility unleashed by WEF reputedly suggesting possibility exists, and with supposed vaccine they now have, by WEF as reputed? Really, no one trust them, IMO, and why aren't they being investigated as sounds fishy, concerning, or IMO, like they want something to occur, etc., IMO!??? Scary people with too much money, and time on their hands these days!
    Russia is too close to be comfortable and bet they did away with labs if truth be known, and part of why they went into Ukraine??? Don't know, but we never get full truths, right?
