Saturday, November 4, 2023

Royal Canadian Chaplaincy Service: “In Public Ceremonies There should Be No Mention Of God Or Religion.”

Royal Canadian Chaplaincy Service stated that “in public ceremonies the directive urges that there should be no mention of God or religion.”

Directives [from Liberal government] for military chaplains that “tell them to be respectful of spiritual diversity, employ ‘Gender Based Analysis’ and replace religious symbols like crosses and Stars of David with a generic chaplain’s crest could spell the death of the role in Canada’s Armed Forces.”

It most certainly will, and in time, apply to every aspect of Canadian society.

Government demand that society must respect the Liberal vision for post-modern Canada, inclusive of using immigration policy to justify an erasure of Christianity in public institutions. Additionally, the Feds commitment to LGBT politics puts an erasure of religious faith in Canada on steroids.

The director of chaplaincy services for the Royal Canadian Chaplaincy Service stated that “in public ceremonies the directive urges that there should be no mention of God or religion.”

We transition to another government with an animus toward religious faith:

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is officially atheist, and its members are not permitted to join any religion. In alignment with Leninist-Marxist Communism, Mao cracked down on religion to elevate his political status. Mao Zedong, a persecutor of religions, is now worshiped like a god.”

Something to warm the cockles of Justin Trudeau’s “heart?” Damn right it is. We have here a text-book prototype of communist revolutionary theory, inclusive of the decimation of religion, as well as fulfillment of a narcissist’s deepest dream.

Pure Justin Trudeau it is.

Former Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau served as the launching pad for Canada’s descent into neo-communist governance, a passion play which is arriving at its apotheosis under current PM Justin Trudeau.

“It’s a further trek down the road of trying to eliminate religion altogether in the military, said Father Timothy Nelligan, who served over 35 years as a Canadian Armed Forces member, two decades of those as a Roman Catholic chaplain.”

Under a directive issued by Trudeau’s Liberals, an elimination of religion in the Canadian military is all-but certain. What media don’t say, and refuse to delve into, speaks volumes.

What percentage of the Canadian military derive from a secular or religious Christian background? Pretty much all of them. Positioned as an “equitable” venture by the press, the punitive element is almost entirely directed toward Christian Canadians.

“Our commitment to diversity, inclusion and the betterment of our chaplaincy program remains steadfast as we strive to create a more inclusive and respectful environment with the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces.”

In the name of woke liturgy like diversity, gender, LGBT and “Multiculturalism,” Canadian society is being divested of its Christian heritage.


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