Sunday, November 5, 2023

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Worldwide Call For Israel's Elimination

Pro-Palestinian protesters worldwide call for Israel's elimination

Protesters in Washington D.C. could be heard chanting: "We don't want two states! We want '48!"

As the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continues the ground operation in Gaza, cities across the world on Saturday observed a wave of pro-Palestinian protests. In the U.S. capital, demonstrators called for the elimination of Israel and vandalized the gates of the White House.

In a video from the rally, the demonstrators could be heard chanting: "We don't want two states! We want '48!" in reference to the assault by 5 Arab armies on Israel just after it declared statehood.

They also threw red paint on the fence and attempted to scale the gates around the White House.

The participants reportedly attempted to storm the White House. After the demonstration, 'Death to Israel' graffiti appeared in the capital.In our backyard: “Death to Israel” and “Glory to our Martyrs,” among other violent antisemitic graffiti spotted in Washington DC

The protest targeted U.S. President Joe Biden for his pro-Israel stance in the war against the Hamas terror group, and his refusal to demand a ceasefire. Earlier on Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated that "a ceasefire now would simply leave Hamas in place, able to regroup and repeat what it did on October 7."

In Germany's capital Berlin, where police had previously banned chants like "from the river to the sea," 60 people were arrested.

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