Thursday, November 9, 2023

Posters of Kidnapped Israeli Kids are Traumatizing Hamas Supporters

Posters of Kidnapped Israeli Kids are Traumatizing Hamas Supporters
Daniel Greenfield

On city streets and on campuses across the country, posters of kidnapped Jewish families, women and children are being torn down by Hamas supporters. Why are they doing it?

Students for Justice in Palestine at Drew University issued a statement claiming that the posters of abducted children “use triggering and insensitive language” and “delegitimize the need for Palestinian resistance”.

Drew’s SJP chapter had responded to the Hamas massacres, rapes and kidnappings by hailing them as “an act of resistance” against the “Zionist Imperialist Territories” and defending the atrocities by arguing that “every Israeli civilian has served, is serving, or will serve in the Israeli Defense Forces” so that “all Israelis citizens are inherently complicit in the occupation of Palestine”. That presumably includes the Jewish babies and children murdered by Hamas: including Noya Dan, a 12-year-old autistic girl, killed along with her 80-year-old grandmother.

That’s nothing less than a defense for the extermination of the Jews by a campus organization

The Students for Justice in Palestine chapter finds it “triggering” to actually see posters of its victims and complains that they “delegitimize” Hamas. It’s traumatic for Hamas supporters to see their terrorist organization cast in a bad light for kidnapping kids. Colleges are supposed to be safe spaces for terrorists and their supporters to celebrate their atrocities and cry when their victims fight back. It’s certainly not a place where terrorists should ever be made to feel bad.

Will no one feel any pity for the trauma of terrorist supporters traumatized by their victims?

The New York Times, which loves terrorists almost as much as SJP does, described tearing down the posters of kidnapped women, children and senior citizens as “its own form of protest” and a “release valve” which is no doubt as true of it as it is of Klansmen burning crosses on lawns.

Like most forms of pro-terrorist protest, which includes blocking roads and assaulting Jewish students, it’s destructive and malicious, and so properly represents the ‘Palestinian’ cause.

The cowardly ‘rippers’ when caught often try to hide their faces or play the victim.

Miles Grant, a leftist activist who tears down the posters, complained to the New York Times that they suffered from a “lack of context” of “why did this happen”. The problem with the posters was that they failed to explain why the hostages had it coming.

Grant then conspiratorially accused the Jews responsible of putting them up in order “to bait people to take them down”. And by taking them down, he wasn’t a perpetrator, he was a victim of a cunning plot to make him look like a monster.


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