Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Pope Francis: Climate Change Puts ‘Life on Earth’ at Risk

Pope Francis: Climate Change Puts ‘Life on Earth’ at Risk

“Besides war, our world is threatened by another great danger, that of the climate, which puts life on Earth, especially for the future generations, at risk,” the pontiff stated in a written text, which was read aloud by his aide Monsignor Paolo Braida following the weekly Angelus prayer.“And this is contrary to the plan of God, who created everything for life,” he added.

Impelled by this apocalyptic distress, the pope said that next weekend he will “go to the United Arab Emirates to speak at the COP 28 in Dubai,” despite a lung infection that has forced him to miss several appointments over the weekend.

“I thank everyone who will accompany this journey with prayer and with the commitment to take to heart the preservation of the common home,” he concluded.

The battle against climate change has been a hallmark of Francis’ 10-year pontificate and in October he published an apostolic exhortation warning that the world “is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point” due to global warming.

In that letter, titled Laudate Deum (Praise God), the pontiff called out the United States by name, blaming an “irresponsible lifestyle” for fueling the climate crisis.

“If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact,” he wrote.

The pope also called out climate change “deniers,” insisting that it is “no longer possible to doubt the human – ‘anthropic’ – origin of climate change,” because global warming is caused by “the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,” which is 423 parts per million as of June 2023.

This past August, however, a group of more than 1,600 eminent scientists, including two Nobel Prize winners, issued the “World Climate Declaration,” in which they stated outright: “There is no climate emergency.”

“Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science,” the scholars asserted, offering a number of reasons for their criticisms.

The Declaration asserted, for example, that climate models have proven inadequate for predicting global warming, that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant, and that climate change has not increased natural disasters.

“There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent,” the document stated. “However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.”

“There is no climate emergency,” it concluded. “Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm.”

Pope Francis and the Quest for a One-World Religion

John Klar

Pope Francis makes no effort to obscure his admiration for Klaus Schwab. He echoed POTUS Biden’s call to “build back better” following COVID and called for a New World Order in 2021:

In true globalist phraseology, Pope Francis has called for a “new world order” following the COVID-19 “pandemic.” He also advocated for global change on “green” issues, warning that “we cannot waste any more time.” He called the COVID “pandemic” an “alarm signal on which humanity is forced to reflect,” referring to the “cornerstones of reconstruction” which would be a key part of his new world order. “This time of trial can thus become a time of wise and far-sighted choices for the good of humanity, of all humanity,” he added.

This is not a tenuous connection – the Davos parish (where the WEF meets) has conducted “silence and prayer” vigils during WEF meetings “to pray precisely for the intention that good decisions might be made for a more just and peaceful world.” The Pope promotes a “new economic system” and has partnered with the UN despite its abortion advocacy and support for comprehensive sex education:

Such deepening ties with globalist corporations and leaders lend further credence to beliefs that Pope Francis is aligned with the WEF’s call for a “Great Reset.” He has referenced a “supranational common good” and said that “there is need for a special legally constituted authority capable of facilitating its implementation.”

These deepened ties include the Pope’s appeals to the WEF. In his “Message of the Holy Father to the Executive Chairman of the “World Economic Forum,”” Pope Francis makes a patently humanist social justice appeal:

In these years, the World Economic Forum has offered an opportunity for the engagement of diverse stakeholders to explore innovative and effective ways of building a better world. The overriding consideration, never to be forgotten, is that we are all members of the one human family. The moral obligation to care for one another flows from this fact. [It] is incumbent upon business sectors and governments alike, and is indispensable in the search for equitable solutions to the challenges we face. May your deliberations lead to a growth in solidarity, especially with those most in need, who experience social and economic injustice and whose very existence is even threatened.


1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe that there hasn’t been a Martin Luther type rebellion in the Catholic Church with this perverted pope pushing the globalist anti Christian agenda.
