Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Netanyahu: No Truce Before Hostages Freed - IDF Strikes Hezbollah Arms Depot

PM: We’re reaching deeper than Hamas ever imagined; no truce before hostages freed

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the IDF has been reaching deeper into Gaza than Hamas ever imagined, and warns Lebanon’s Hezbollah that it would be making the “greatest mistake of its life” if it opens a new full-on war front.

Speaking from the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu says he is addressing the nation in order to update Israelis on the war.

“In the south, the war is moving forward with force that Hamas has never seen,” he says. “Gaza City is surrounded. We are operating within it, we are deepening the pressure on Hamas every hour, every day.”

He says that thousands of terrorists have been eliminated, both above ground and in tunnels, including many of those who planned and carried out the slaughter of 1,400 people in Israel on October 7.

Netanyahu also says that the ground operation has destroyed “countless” Hamas command centers, positions and tunnels.

“Hamas is discovering that we are reaching places they thought we would never reach,” he says.

Netanyahu notes that IDF troops are learning lessons inside the Strip which they are passing on to troops training inside Israel ahead of their entry into Gaza. He also praises the troops’ faith and determination to defend the country.

In the north, Netanyahu says, the IDF is both defending and attacking. He says that Israel will not accept Hezbollah or Hamas in Lebanon “harming our communities and our citizens.”

“We will respond with heavy fire to any of their attacks against us,” he promises.

If Hezbollah enters the war, Netanyahu says — then repeats — “it will be making the greatest mistake of its life.”

Regarding the hostages held in Gaza, Netanyahu says he spoke with the president of the Red Cross and demanded that it work to secure their immediate release, “as required by international law.” He also demanded that the Red Cross visit all the hostages and establish their well-being, again as international law requires.

“There will not be a ceasefire without the return of our kidnapped,” Netanyahu stresses, delivering this declaration “to our enemies and our friends alike.” He adds that the ground operation is a vital part of the effort to get the hostages home.

Turning to the diplomatic front, Netanyahu says Israel is working to give the IDF diplomatic room to maneuver. He says he has been telling foreign leaders that if Israel does not win, their countries are next. But Israel will win, he promises.

He notes that he speaks with US President Joe Biden regularly, and appreciates the support from the White House and from the American people.

He vows that Israel “will destroy Hamas’s military and governance capabilities… Gaza will no longer constitute a threat to Israel.”

IDF: No ceasefire; over 14,000 Gaza targets hit, more than 100 tunnels destroyed

US says it opposes ‘reoccupation’ of Gaza by Israel

Second barrage in 35 minutes targets central Israel

Israel opposes US plan for humanitarian pauses, demands hostages freed first — sources

Herzog tells US VP no Gaza truce without hostage release; Harris pushes on aid to Strip

IDF says it struck Hezbollah arms depot, rocket posts, other sites in response to barrage

1 comment:

  1. USA needs to concern their selves AFTER Hamas/Hezbollah, are defeated, IMO!

    USA micro-managing the unknowns, running their negative rhetoric while Israel is laser focused on real objectives, is insanely intrusive, stupid of USA, IMO! USA brass need & should listen to American Citizen's about how WE feel when they fund assh#$3# Globally, Ukraine, IRAN, Qatar, Palestine/Terrorists combo, etc.; funding/left equipment in ME (DUMB)/our weapons on black-market reputedly, all unchecked contributed to ALL this Terrorist's emboldening themselves, in my opinion!

    So, USA can stop whining, and help Israel, IMO! Start with, flank those nut-jobs flanking Israel so Israel succeeds eradicating Hamas, IMO!!!! Oh, maybe now Palestinian's will stop being, IMO, criminal accomplices to Terrorists this round too? Common-sense is needed to balance the playing-ground for ensured protection for Israel, not USA whom are impeding their success by any mouthpieces that need to shut-up, in my opinion!

    Action speaks louder than whinny words, start flanking/with action is what USA needs to do, IMO! Prayers USA is doing so!!!😎
