Saturday, November 4, 2023

Nasrallah: ‘We already entered the war on October 8,’

‘We already entered the war on October 8,’ Hezbollah leader says

In a televised speech on Friday afternoon, Nasrallah blamed Israel for the war and mocked its army and leadership, while praising Hamas and the so-called “resistance axis,” without committing to any concrete actions against Israel.

In his first public address since the war, Nasrallah was widely expected to give an indication, or possibly even an explicit proclamation of war against Israel but failed to do so.

He instead claimed that Lebanon had joined the war on October 8, the day after the murderous Hamas assault against Israeli border communities.

“Some say ‘Here, [Nasrallah] wants to announce the joining of the campaign. We already entered the campaign on October 8.”

He repeatedly mocked the Israeli state and its leadership, claiming that the proclaimed goal of destroying Hamas would be impossible to reach.

The war “caused a security, military, psychological and moral earthquake in the Israeli occupation entity, and no matter what he does, he will not be able to change its results,” Nasrallah claimed.

He also repeated his metaphor of Israel as a “spider web” that would prove easy to remove.

This, Nasrallah said, was also proven by the hasty American support for Israel, which “revealed the failure, weakness and frailty of this entity.”

In keeping with his claim that Hezbollah was already taking part in the war, Nasrallah attempted to play up his organization’s contribution in weakening Israel’s war effort and asserted that “one-third of the Israeli army” was stationed on the Lebanese border.

“What is happening on our front is very important and influential because ... all the Israeli military positions from the sea to Shebaa farms are being subjected to daily and intensified attacks that target positions from tanks, drones, soldiers, and surveillance equipment,” he said.

In an unveiled threat, he added, “We will not be satisfied with the operations taking place today on the border with occupied Palestine.”

"The possibility that the Lebanese front will escalate into a wide war is a realistic possibility," he said.

1 comment:

  1. IMO, this Shiite radicalism, black hat, phony pretense, whiner, and want-to-be, it's hard to understand what it is those folks actually desire; it's forbidden to kill, or commit suicide, but they do, their Koran has too many meanings to too many different fractions, it's crazed, IMO!

    Therefore none of them are on the same page, figuratively, or literality, IMO! All we know is, radicalized anything equals chaos, mayhem, death, destruction, criminals, in my opinion!
