Friday, November 10, 2023

Like It or Not, Digital ID’s Will Soon be Mandatory

On November 8, 2023, the United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation launched the "50-in-5" agenda. 

This campaign will accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data-sharing in 50 countries over the next five years under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure.

The UN plans to roll out digital IDs worldwide by 2030, making them mandatory for participation in society. 

We’re talking vaccine passports, health records, and central bank digital currencies, plus much more. And they’re selling this as a means to create better equity, financial inclusion, and a way to boost children’s rights. 

Naturally, more people will buy-in if it’s “for the children.” 

But every strength has a weakness. What they’re not talking about is that digital ID’s will allow technocrat totalitarians to monitor your travel, your spending, and your carbon footprint. You can win a bet that with digital ID’s, unelected globalists will be wiping out your right to privacy.

1 comment:

  1. These evil entities use the children as their go to when it is anything but for the children. In fact the children are the most at risk from their agenda.
    What is sad is how many people buy in to this agenda. These evil entities know what buttons to push to get what they want. This is why and how it will be so easy for them to get people to take the mark. It will be for the children or some other propaganda reason that instills emotional response. Most won't even be aware of what they have done as it will be so disguised as something worthwhile. Subtle yet damning.
