Friday, November 3, 2023

Lebanon Border Closer to War

Lebanon Border Closer to War; Israel Encircles Hamas in Gaza City

The Lebanese-Israeli border is closer to war than it has been thus far in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, as the Palestinian terrorist group claimed responsibility for rockets fired from southern Lebanon at the Israeli city of Kiryat Shemona on Thursday.

Hamas is based in Gaza but also has a presence in Palestinian communities in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and in other countries, including southern Lebanon, as well as in more distant countries like Qatar, where the Hamas leadership resides.

Hezbollah, a proxy of Iran, controls southern Lebanon (and much of the Lebanese government as well). It has threatened to enter the war and has fired on Israeli positions, killing several soldiers and forcing the evacuation of Israel’s northernmost cities. Israel  has responded to each incident by striking the Hezbollah position responsible for the fire. It has also launched preemptive strikes on terrorists who have tried to fire rockets or to infiltrate into northern Israel. But thus far, a broader war has not yet erupted.

Israel has said that it will hold Hezbollah responsible for any rocket fire from southern Lebanon. Accordingly, it struck a number of Hezbollah positions on Thursday evening after several Hamas rockets caused significant damage.

The Times of Israel reported:

The Israel Defense Forces says it is carrying out wide-scale airstrikes on Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to rocket attacks on northern Israel earlier.

The IDF says that among the targets hit so far by fighter jets, tanks, and artillery are military headquarters, rocket launching positions, weapons storage sites, military complexes, and other infrastructure belonging to the terror group.

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), published footage of some of the strikes:

In a statement on Telegram, the IDF stated: “The IDF holds the Hezbollah terrorist organization responsible for the current situation in Lebanon.”

The U.S. has moved two aircraft carriers to the eastern Mediterranean in an effort to deter Iran from opening a northern front.

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