Monday, November 6, 2023

Kiryat Shmona urges remaining residents to leave as Lebanon rockets persist

Kiryat Shmona urges remaining residents to leave as Lebanon rockets persist

The northern city of Kiryat Shmona has urged any remaining residents to leave as it continues to be targeted by rockets from Lebanon.

“Due to the escalating security situation and increased barrages on Kiryat Shmona, we call on all who remain in the city to leave it immediately,” it says.

“Leave the city and save lives!” the municipality adds.

The vast majority of the city’s 20,000 or so residents have already left amid attacks by Hezbollah and other terror groups. But Ynet says some 3,000 are estimated to remain.

Liberman says Israel must take tougher stance on Hezbollah attacks in the north

Yisrael Beytenu party head Avigdor Liberman says the government needs to take a stronger hand against Hezbollah attacks in the north, saying Israel’s current controlled response policy is insufficient.

“We have to change the policy. We can’t only respond,” Liberman says at the outset of his Knesset faction meeting, arguing that the war cabinet’s thinking is obsolete.

“I hope that no one plans to swallow fire from Yemen by Houthis toward Israel,” Liberman adds

The hawkish opposition party head also attacks Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a “failed” Gaza policy. He likens Netanyahu’s past strategy of using economic incentives to keep Hamas’s hostilities in check to the UK’s failed appeasement strategy towards Nazi expansionism.

Liberman points to then-UK prime minister Neville Chamberlain passing leadership to Winston Churchill, and says he expects Netanyahu to resign. Liberman says that instead of taking responsibility for the failed strategy, Netanyahu is trying “to roll responsibility onto someone else.”

South Africa to recall all diplomats from Israel over war

IDF believes it caused significant damage to Hamas tunnels in overnight strikes

The Israel Defense Forces believes heavy overnight strikes in the northern Gaza Strip caused significant damage to underground and aboveground infrastructure belonging to Hamas.

The military had said it was carrying out “widespread strikes on terror infrastructure, below ground and above it.” Hamas described the strikes as “intense bombings.”

The IDF says it has also killed more than a dozen Hamas field commanders, at the battalion and brigade level, since the beginning of the war, which is disrupting the terror group’s operations.

US said to warn Hezbollah, Iran it is ready to act against them if they escalate war

The US has warned both Hezbollah and Iran that it is ready to act militarily against them if they escalate the conflict with Israel, given its war with Hamas in Gaza, The New York Times reports.

The message has been conveyed to the terror group and the Islamic Republic through their partners in the region, Turkey among them, the report says.

Washington has moved aircraft carrier groups to the Middle East as President Joe Biden and others in the administration have repeatedly warned regional actors to stay out of the Gaza war.

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