Saturday, November 4, 2023

Global Rise Of Antisemitism: A Harbinger Of The Approaching Tribulation

Global Rise Of Antisemitism: A Harbinger Of The Approaching Tribulation

There is an alarming rise of global antisemitism. The global surge of venomous hatred of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel is palpable in our world today. 

Just this week, Jewish leaders told US Officials, “We’ve never seen anything like this ever.”

In the United States, there has been a 400% increase in antisemitic incidents just since October 7th. This time last year, in 2022, antisemitic incidents were up 36%, which was the highest on record. In 2023, the number rose again before going dramatically higher in the wake of the Hamas attack and Israel’s response.

A Reuters headline on Tuesday read, “Open hatred of Jews surges globally, inflamed by Gaza war.” An article from CNN announced, “A new wave of antisemitism threatens to rock an already unstable world.” 

“History is flashing warnings to the world,” the article begins by stating.

“Outbursts of antisemitism have often been harbingers of societies in deep trouble and omens that extremism and violence are imminent,” they described. “Recent antisemitism is also a reflection of destructive forces tearing at American and western European societies, where stability and democracy are already under pressure.”

The rise of antisemitism is a warning sign that something bad is coming. In this case, it’s a warning sign that the tribulation may be in the not-too-distant future.

Antisemitism is metastasizing all over the world. Many of you have seen reports regarding college campuses in the United States. On one of the message boards of Cornell University was a statement calling for people to slit the throats of Jews. 

In America, 3 out of 10 of the 18-24 age group believe that the US should support Hamas in this conflict rather than Israel. 26% believe that the solution to this problem is for Israel to be destroyed and the land to be given to Hamas and the Palestinians. So we see, especially among younger Americans, a growing wave of antisemitism.

Another place where this is mushrooming is in Turkey. There was a massive antisemitic gathering in the city of Istanbul. Turkey’s President Recep Erdoğan accused Israel of war crimes and vehemently insisted that Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Israel has pulled their diplomats and announced that they are reassessing their relationship with Turkey.

Turkey is one of the main nations mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 coalition that will invade Israel in the end times. Their relationship with Israel has done a 180˚ just since October 7th.

There are also significant protests in Paris and London, with signs such as “Gas the Jews,” “Hitler should have finished the job,” and the most virulent kind of antisemitism you can imagine. We’ve all heard the report about the airport in Dagestan, which is a Muslim area of Russia. People were tearing through the airport when a flight arrived from Tel Aviv, searching for Jews to Lynch.

These are chilling echoes of the 1930s and the 1940s. What we should keep in mind, as we see all of this, is that there is much more to antisemitism than meets the eye. What we’re seeing is the unveiling of an ancient satanic conspiracy. Antisemitism has been rightly called “the oldest hatred.” It goes all the way back to the time of God’s calling of Abraham.

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