Monday, November 6, 2023

Front-line commanders are no longer carrying out Zelensky's orders! – Mutiny?

"Bombshell" from New York Times: Front-line commanders are no longer carrying out Zelensky's orders! – Mutiny…

According to the New York Times, Zelensky is unhappy with the allies' assessment of Ukraine's efforts.

"The modern world quickly gets used to success," he said in one of his afternoon speeches, noting that the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are taken by the West "for granted."

However, Zelensky does not yet intend to adopt the peace scenario.

His belief in victory worries even his comrades. He deceives, misleads himself.

We've run out of options.

We don't win.

But try telling him that," Time magazine quoted a person close to the president as saying.

he Ukrainian Armed Forces are not moving forward, they are standing still.

Frontline commanders do not carry out Kiev's orders because of their irrationality.

This is the only way out, a senior officer admitted.

Zelensky ordered the Ukrainian army to seize a town north of Donetsk and the army's response was “we have neither men nor weapons.

1 comment:

  1. The outcome was historically predetermined. There was no way that Ukraine was going to defeat Russia. It has been tried before with leaders much more capable than these buffoons, actors, and puppets. GOD may deal with Russia at some point, but he will not be limited by regressive, narcissistic, low IQ, inbreeding, leadership.
