Friday, November 24, 2023

Dublin Is Burning. Where’s Next?

Dublin Is Burning. Where’s Next?

Migrant stabs children. Irish riot for end to mass migration. A ‘far-right’ event?

We need to understand that these things below are connected. First, let’s watch this important 12-second clip from the late Lord Benn, a Labour MP:

In it he lists his Five Essential Questions Of Democracy:

“What power have you got?” 

“Where did you get it from?” 

“In whose interests do you use it?” 

“To whom are you accountable?” 

“How do we get rid of you?”

So, let’s move on to tonight’s European news.

Item: read this CNN analysis of the meaning of the Dutch election. Excerpt:

Even if Wilders is unable to implement the more radical parts of his manifesto and is contained by Europe more broadly, concerns remain about what his success does the rest of European politics. Populist victories tend to drag others further to the right.

The most obvious examples of this are in France, where President Emmanuel Macron has aped anti-Islam rhetoric in order to not be outflanked by Le Pen, and in the United Kingdom, where the center-right Conservative Party is almost unrecognizable after 13 years in power and the influence of Brexit.

The other concerns are that Wilders is somehow locked out of government or decides to martyr himself, rather than sell out in office. In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has not been quite the radical right-wing firebrand some feared when she took power in 2022, and has to some extent been contained by the EU. She is, therefore, seen as a sellout by others on the right.

What a revealing piece of analysis. The author, someone named Luke McGee, simply takes it as a given that the proper function of the European Union mechanism is to manage the unruly people to prevent their democratic wishes from coming true. This is how the Eurocrats have always regarded the voters: as serfs to be milked for tax money and legitimacy, but in no case allowed to govern themselves as they see fit. It’s telling that nowadays, the people in the ruling class’s media arm don’t even try to hide it. They live in such a cultural bubble that they assume everyone surely agrees.

Item: this afternoon in Dublin, a “naturalized Irish citizen” alleged to be Algerian went on a stabbing spree outside a school, injuring three children and two others. Excerpt:

Siobhán Kearney heard “screaming” and “spotted a guy with a stabbing motion across the road”, she said.

“So I took across the road and there was fellas there and they pulled the guy off the children. There was a good few kids.” The children were “between the ages of four, five and six, no older” and were “only just after finishing school”.

Item: a furious mob gathered immediately after the attack:

The scene was still sealed off shortly before 1800 GMT when a group of around 50 anti-immigrant protesters briefly broke through a police barrier. Some shouted “get them out” and one kicked the wing mirror off a police car. Another was draped in an Irish flag.

A larger crowd then began throwing objects and firing fireworks at riot police in helmets and shields, once they were deployed, and the rioting spiraled out of control. The crowds began to disperse around 2100 GMT.

Police would not comment on the nationality of the detained man.

Net migration among Ireland’s 5.3 million population rose to its second highest level since records began in the 12 months to April and around 100,000 Ukrainian refugees have arrived since Russia’s invasion, among the highest per capita in the EU.

“There is a group of people, thugs, criminals, who are using this appalling attack to sow division,” Justice Minister Helen McEntee told reporters.

Nothing but thugs. Irish people angry about the mass migration engineered by their government are thugs and criminals who only want to “sow division.” Not the political elites who are bringing unprecedented numbers of foreigners into a country that was homogeneous until the day before yesterday.

Item: a rioting mob sets alight a Dublin hotel used to house “asylum seekers,” or “illegal migrants,” take your pick. An angry Irish public is fed up with the police:

Item: What happened in Dublin today is the fault of the “far-right,” says the copper:

For the record, there are no far-right political parties in Ireland. There is no far right to speak of. This is what the authorities say to draw public contempt off of what the ruling class has done and is doing to the ruled.

The Dublin police report some looting tonight in the city. Whoever did it, it’s horrible, and there is no excuse for it. Shame on all looters! I imagine many of them are native-born Irish. The videos I’ve seen of most looting show masked people of indeterminate origin. But here’s some video showing migrants doing it. And here is a photo of the man arrested on suspicion of knifing those kids:

Decent, law-abiding people in European cities have to put up with that all the time. Well, not here in Budapest, because the Orban government doesn’t let these migrants in. Viktor Orban is denounced by the European ruling class as “far right” because a majority of Hungarian voters like safe streets free of culturally-enriching wielders of knives and penises.

It’s crazy when you think about what docile Europeans put up with. Sweden has allowed its previous progressive governments to turn the country from one of Europe’s most stable and orderly to a crime leader. It’s now Scandinavia’s top country for gun violence and bombing. Why? Gang violence tied to mass migration. Nobody can deny it; they can only shame others for noticing. A few weeks back, the new Swedish right-wing prime minister told the nation he will probably have to use the army to restore order. They will never get the old Sweden back absent mass deportations. Good luck getting countries that got rid of those scumbags to take them back.


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