Monday, November 6, 2023

Deagel Revisited

Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Forecast

In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. 

One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025. 

We can reveal that recent findings appear to link Deagel directly to significant players on the world stage: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and The Rockefeller Foundation.

We can confirm that Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr., who passed away on February 16th 2021, is the confirmed figurehead authorities would like you to believe is solely behind

During his life, Dr Edwin served as the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense. He was also the Director of International Relations for The Rockefeller Foundation, an influential global philanthropic organization.

The CIA has released 23 FOIA articles relating to Dr Deagle, the Rockefeller Foundation, the U.S. DOD and the former director of the CIA.

This strongly suggests that isn’t just the work of one man, but is in fact the work of a U.S. Military Industrial Complex consisting of the CIA, the U.S. Department of Defense and the shady Rockefeller Foundation. Making its apocalyptic depopulation forecasts all the more concerning.

Deagel’s apocalyptic depopulation forecasts for 2025 predict significant population declines in various countries, stirring unease given the current excess death data being recorded around the world.’s [infamous] 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. However, thanks to the Wayback Machine / Internet Archive, we are able to view the original predictions before discovered by critical thinkers.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United Kingdom would see its population decline by 77.1% by the year 2025.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United States would see its population decline by 68.5 % by the year 2025.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that Germany would see its population decline by 65.1% by the year 2025.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that Australia would see its population decline by 34.6% by the year 2025.

While also predicting a huge decline among many other Western countries.

A full list of Deagel’s original apocalyptic depopulation predictions can be viewed here.

Regrettably, the unfolding events strongly suggest that Deagel’s ominous depopulation estimates may not be merely speculative. Real-world data appear to align disconcertingly with these figures...

While Dr. Deagle’s links to the Rockefeller Foundation, CIA, and DoD provide a gripping backstory, the Rockefeller Foundation’s role adds a layer of complexity. 

A powerful entity since 1913, its alleged mission to “promote the well-being of humanity throughout the world” has shaped global health policies and led to a significant influence in the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO). 

But this influence hasn’t been without controversy.

The Rockefeller Foundation’s historical entanglement with population control and eugenic programs remains a contentious chapter in its legacy. Its support for these initiatives during the early 20th century presents a disconcerting portrait of the Foundation’s role in manipulating human demographics.

Eugenics, a field now widely discredited and dismissed as pseudoscience, aimed to improve the genetic composition of the human race through selective breeding. The Rockefeller Foundation’s monetary and ideological support for these programs indicates an ethically questionable engagement in directing human evolution and societal composition.

The population control initiatives, framed as efforts to manage global population growth for sustainable development and resource conservation, also bore the Foundation’s signature. Critics argue that such activities echoed an overreach, hinting at an assumed authority to control the demographics of global populations.

Although the Foundation has since publicly disavowed such measures and appears to have redirected its focus towards universally accepted areas of public health, education, and the arts, the echo of its past actions remains.

The revelations linking Deagel to Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr., the CIA, DoD, and The Rockefeller Foundation, paint a compelling, if disconcerting, narrative. 

These high-profile connections suggest a level of influence that raises questions about the motivations behind Deagel’s apocalyptic population forecasts.


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