Thursday, November 2, 2023

Anti-Semitism on the Rise:

Anti-Semitism on the Rise: Is This the 1930s All Over Again?

Tragically, the question has become unavoidable. As we look on in horror at the bone-chilling spectacle of Islamist savagery, followed by pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests, and now rabid mobs infected with anti-Semitism assembling across the globe, are we witnessing a world given over to blind hatred of Jews as it was 100 years ago — and all the way back to biblical times?

It started in the 1920s with a few violent hatemongers on the fringes of society screaming into the darkness. It ended in the 1940s with the extermination of millions of Jews, along with anyone else who did not bend the knee to the megalomaniacal tyrant ruling Germany and overrunning much of Europe. Ordinary Germans stood by, at best allowing it to happen and at worst enthusiastically participating in the march of evil. It is no secret that the German people felt betrayed and humiliated by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles bringing World War I to an end. They looked for a scapegoat, and the Jews, with all their success and wealth, became an easy target.

Is it happening all over again?

Just the fact that we must ask such a question — one most believed, or perhaps merely hoped, would never again have to be asked — is distressing enough. But far more terrifying is that we can no longer answer the question of whether another Holocaust is on the horizon in the negative with any degree of confidence. The weeks since the invasion of Israel by Hamas terrorists intent on murdering as many Jews as possible in unspeakably barbaric fashion have provided irrefutable evidence that millions across the globe would welcome a repeat of the most notorious genocide in human history. And unlike many socio-cultural movements over time, which begin with hysteria but ultimately run out of steam — think BLM — the trajectory of worldwide anti-Semitism circa 2023 is clearly upward as it was in the 1930s and appears to grow with each passing day since the Hamas invasion. There is scant reason for optimism that the centuries-old disputes can ever be settled — or that the hatred can be buried.

1 comment:

  1. Good Article addressing unfounded hatred! IMO, there just are many people that will jump on anything remotely which gives them an opportunity to choose hate over God, love, peace, all that is good!

    Unfortunately, leading those whom choose to be spiteful, hateful, deceitful, Godless, evil, actually plain zombie like stupid/ignorant even, is wickedness spread by Governments/fake MSM, non-elected Organizations that subvert mankind, Orwellian spin on all as we knew Western Civilization to be, IMO! There is no balance of good versus evil, it's beams are off, IMO! The time for better choices are here for souls to be on the right side, we pray for this to occur!

    One would think we had the clues prior, that Fake MSM would be held accountable for much of their lies spread/propagandized deception; this would had neutralized the space in some folks brains to create being evil, but has not happen obviously, IMO! The Spiritual Battle rages on, many good God loving folks have the ball in their court to PRAY to uplift humanities consciousness, and walk the walk showing rights from wrongs by examples; in the case of Israel rounding up criminals, this is part of the equation, IMO! It would be wrong to NOT hold Hamas Monsters accountable, Israel is an example that wants what is good for ALL in the name of God, IMO!

    Israel and majority of mankind does NOT desire the fight that has been started upon them by evil demons, nor would they start such a battle, it's been started by evil unleashed!
    Naturally, demons walking planet Earth must be dealt with till one day Jesus returns for his people & God rounds up ALL Satan's spawns after the last battle Satan fights on Earth, throw them into the pits of He#! Still pray for peace, reprieve from demons, free will to choose good over evil exist!

    Israel did not choose the long battle of having to deal with neighbors that set up shop on their land, enabled/fund Terrorists, allow themselves to be pawns, and whine when blowback inevitably occurs, IMO! First off people in general must reclaim their common-sense, walk with Jesus, and discern evil from good. We all endure/suffer when good people are killed, lies are told about them/us, and corruption is rampant feeding the lion's den, in this case, those Terrorist's Den, right? God Bless this World!!
