Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Anti-Israel protesters interrupt Jewish students testifying before Congress on college antisemitism

Anti-Israel protesters interrupt Jewish students testifying before Congress on college antisemitism
Danielle Wallace

Anti-Israel protesters interrupted Jewish students and other witnesses testifying before Congress about the rise of antisemitism and anti-conservative bias on college campuses Wednesday.

Right as Connor Ogrydziak, recent graduate of the University of Buffalo, began his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee hearing slated to discuss "freedom of speech on college campuses," a protester stood up in the gallery with sign saying pro Palestine does not equal antisemitism. "Silencing anti-Zionist Jewish and Arab students is not about battling antisemitism," the protester shouted, as Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, gaveled for the committee to remain in order.

Accusing politicians of "genocide," the protester cited the estimated 10,000 people Hamas claims have died in Gaza. Police officers escorted the protester out, while another demonstrator began shouting about the censure of far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Michigan, over her use of the antisemitic chant "from the river to the sea" that promises to erase Israel from the map. Jordan promised those who interrupted the hearing would be ousted, as more demonstrators, donning red hands, accused Israel of "apartheid."

"Cease-fire, now. Cease-fire, now," a protester shouted while being removed by police.

Later during a line of questioning, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California., said "the protesters who have all been escorted out probably don't understand, but they are playing into the hands of Iran."

"They are playing into the hands of the last major nation to be not just Antisemitic but wanting to destroy the state of Israel and doing it in no small part by funding activities around places including college campuses," Issa said. "We need to fully fund investigations into the funding that goes to anti-Semitism into a pattern that we see here today. I want to say to all of you who are both young Americans for Freedom and non YAF members, thank you for standing up to be conservatives on campus and taking it."


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