Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Puppet Masters Part 2

Puppet Masters  Part 2

 From Part I – the interview left off with the big question of who is the puppet master? What’s behind all this propaganda and control over the past three years? I spoke of different theories that people had put out there, and ended with the beginning of the hypothesis that the CIA may in fact be that controlling element. Part II picks up the thesis there.

If you are subjected on a daily basis to this advanced technology of nudging and information control and censorship, control of narrative, [governments and NGO] cooperating with press, cooperating with social media so that every single thing you encounter is manipulated to support the agenda and the narrative of whomever the dominant force is that is propagating this? How can you come to any autonomous conclusion about what should be done?

I run into people saying this in Europe, my European friends often… well, there are various fringe political elements. Many are socialists. So, I always discounted what they would say, but they would say that, for instance, Italy has two masters. They’re Brussels – the European Union, and the CIA. When they would say CIA, my internal dialog was like, “State Department maybe. United States government maybe, why CIA?”

The CIA is an organization that would have the capability to deploy this. This is an organization that did found the World Economic Forum, that’s well documented. This is an organization that was intimately involved in what was going on at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This is an organization that, through its former employee (and still intimately integrated) Dr. Michael Callahan, was busy spreading disinformation to me in real time. I experienced that as a first-person experience. And then I’ve had various third parties come to me and share various information about what they’ve observed within “the agency”. That’s what led me finally to the tipping point of coming to the conclusion that I can’t explain the cascade of events any other way, other than concluding that our intelligence community and the extended Five Eyes alliance were at the center of all of this.


1 comment:

  1. Could the American Citizens please be given where to go see this proof our own Agency CIA is part of our current state of affairs? Where is this documentation, proof, because it's serious! It had to of been approved by whom? We need to know, and it's saying in essence, the CIA is against the USA, IMO?

    There are too many Agencies that are not in the best interest of Americans coming to light, a real concern indeed, IMO! They are after all human-beings, not supermen/women, so real human-beings that love America need investigate allegations one would suggest, right??

    Your either with USA or against USA is so true; stirring emotions up with such info needs proof, in my opinion, and spread to the American Citizens if true IMO!!!! Need transparency and it's not provided by current Government for USA Citizens to know truths, and why the heck not one might demand!
