Monday, August 7, 2023

Jonathan Brentner: Echoes Of Fascism

Echoes Of Fascism: The Indictments Of Trump Don’t Bode Well For The Future Of The U.S.

It was thirty years ago when the words of Habakkuk 1seemed to leap off the page with relevance to the evil I saw around me. As I think back to that time in light of today’s world, I wonder what alarmed me.

The wickedness, government corruption, deception, and lawlessness are exponentially worse now than three decades ago, far beyond what I could’ve even imagined just ten years ago.

Below are the words of Habakkuk 1:2-4, which have not changed:

Habakkuk‬ ‭1:2-4‬ ‭KJV‬‬ – “O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.”

The Lord responded to the prophet’s complaint by telling him that the Chaldeans, or Babylonians would bring judgment to His people (1:5-11). Within thirty years, Nebuchadnezzar fulfilled the words of the Lord destroying both Jerusalem and the temple.

Although the prophet’s words apply directly to ancient Judah, I believe there’s a warning for America in them. The same God who didn’t allow the wickedness to continue in Habakkuk’s day also sees the extreme wickedness and perversion of justice in the U.S.

If the Lord would so severely judge His chosen people, what makes anyone think that He’s not greatly angered by the same things He sees in modern day America that are far worse?

For believers, there’s a clear and present danger as the echoes of fascism ring through the halls of our government as well as from the behavior of our president.


When I heard about the criminal indictment of former President Donald Trump on matters related to January 6, 2021, and his disagreement with the results of the election, it took over a day to resolve the anger and perhaps even the fear that it stirred within my soul. Disagreeing with election results is hardly anything new in America, why begin arresting people for it now? Yet August 3, 2023, will mark Trump’s third arrest in the past few months.

I regard the charges as baseless and frivolous, intended to drain the former president of resources in his current election campaign due to the enormous cost of defending himself. Former Harvard Law professor and liberal Alan Dershowitz complained about what he sees as a politically motivated arrest and declared that the Supreme Court would reverse any conviction should it come to that.[i]

Regardless of the outlandish nature of this indictment, I soon realized that I needed to restore peace within my heart. Psalms 37 and 94 always help me at such times as they did this past week, but it was another thought, or question, that worked the best in this case.

“What did I think the last days before the Tribulation would look like if not this?” It was when I remembered hearing this question, or one similar to it, that I felt the most relief.

Why did I think the setup for the world government described in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 would look any different than our current world?

It’s not that America by itself matters in the grand scheme of prophecy, it doesn’t. However, the indictments are symptomatic of the globalists’ agenda to enslave the entire world under a Marxist regime. I believe they intend to usher in this new world order with the use of fascist tactics, but the end result will be a communistic dictatorship, which they advertise as, “You will own nothing and be happy.”


Regardless of what one thinks of the former president, the indictments don’t bode well for the future of the U.S. nor its citizens. This article is not at all meant to be a defense of Donald Trump, but rather a warning of what it means for the nation that I love.

It’s because the current occupant of the White House knows full well that he lost the 2020 election to Trump and would surely lose again in 2024 that he has the Department of Justice stirring up charges against the former president. It’s the same thing dictators have done throughout history, but I never thought I would ever see it happen in the country that I love.

We know that the current president is beholden to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and those that control his administration are globalists who understand that the United States, even in its current weakened form, remains a roadblock to their cherished dreams of world domination. The presidency of Donald Trump interrupted their march toward ruling over all the nations, which means he must be stopped as soon as possible and at all costs. They will not allow anyone to become president who doesn’t fully comply with their demonic globalist agenda.

Regardless of what the liberal mainstream media shouts regarding the indictment, the echo of their cries of delight is always fascism. That’s how elite powerbrokers of the world must operate. They cannot win elections, nor can they win the favor of a majority of the people.

To achieve their beloved dreams, they must employ the same tactics that Hitler used as he initially gained control of Germany in the 1930’s. He first got control of the news media and then eliminated all potential opponents.


The Bible reveals that the final form of the antichrist’s dominion will be exceedingly deadly for both believers and the Jewish people. The echoes of fascism that now resound through America spell grave danger to both groups even now.

History warns that both fascist and communistic dictators always persecute both Christians and Jews, always. Satan hates both groups and the more he succeeds in preparing the way for his man of lawlessness, the greater the perils for us.

For those of us securely in Christ, the wildcard is the Rapture of the church. The longer we wait for Jesus’ appearing, the greater our chance for increased persecution because of our belief in the words of Scripture. The good news is that regardless of what happens to us in this life during the ramp up to the antichrist’s kingdom, we will soon be in glory with our Savior.

Jesus is surely coming for us and when He does, He will give us imperishable and glorified bodies (Philippians 3:20-211 Corinthians 15:50-54). This day is surely coming.

As such I believe the words of Habakkuk 2:3 apply:

Habakkuk‬ ‭2:3‬ ‭KJV‬‬ – “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

Habakkuk’s vision of the Lord’s defeat of the Babylonians was prophetic of His still future victory over Satan’s empire at the end of the Tribulation. The message for Israel is that although it might appear to be slow in happening, “it will surely come.”

As we wait for the fulfillment of prophecy regarding Jesus’ appearing, does it not seem “slow?” However, we can ponder the prophet’s encouragement that the prophesied end time events “will surely come” and “not delay.” We are not waiting for something that will never happen; Jesus will soon appear to take us home.


  1. Really appreciated this great Article summarizing, in my opinion too, what is now taking place in America! The silencing of someone whom majority of American Citizens realize, although his demeanor differs much for some demure folks, Trump's intentions to unplug the now barrier, and allow flow for prosperity, enforced Constitutional Laws, and our Freedoms, are sincere, IMO!!!!

    Perhaps at great calculated risk, Trump is, has, drawn out ALL the corrupted Agencies, Congress/player's, to allow everyone to see transparency denied us; will those criminals then be dealt with by some USA Military unknown to them, but waiting in the wings?? Don't know, but would not surprise us, right? Gitmo still is open, right? Those whom are terrorists, terrorized any law-abiding USA citizen, need go there, right? Well, we know who they are now, in my opinion; this explains why USA resembles third world modeled Communist Country stemming from their evil Agenda's, right?? It fits the profile of organized criminals at the helm, IMO!

    We are not to be told lies like Hitler did with forced acceptance of propagandized lies! Repeat of stupidity! Marxist's Globalists/Current Gov. Entities, all want opposing souls to be killed, jailed, or destroyed, from what is being played out, IMO! This is not acceptable, it's pure demonic for sure!! Spiritual Warfare against their coup for our Nation, the numb-nuts they are, IMO!

    President Trump wants Citizen's to have freedoms! Free will to have choices that align with known decency, known laws, Natural Sovereignty/borders with boundaries, and Western Civilization in "God We Trust"!! Yes, Jesus is returning, don't know time, and so pray for divine intervention while we just say "NO" to reprobate minds!!

    No to Tyranny, their drugs, their slavery, their pandemics, their taking the spoils leaving crumbs while spending Billions going where, we don't know? Freeze or defund funds of those doing the henchmen work for crooks giving orders to subvert USA Government, it's a start! Can be done, right folks know what to do, do they have the ba;@# to?

    IMO, Trump wins, the padded indictments are thrown out, and reprieve occurs; use time wisely to spread word about Jesus, because wickedness comes back, yikes!!!! Didn't write the Book, so just watching the movie unfold hanging on, spiritually fighting/praying during this Spiritual Battle till, thank God, Jesus takes us :) up!!!

  2. Trump is not going to win, he is a pawn. And even if you don’t believe that we all know he loves himself some Trump. So much that he can’t be any real help for our country overall because it would take someone willing to die for the good of their neighbor. Like labor pains things will get worse until the Rapture. Fight whatever fight you can in your arena and don’t lay down for this evil that you see and will see more of. As a Christian If someone asks your opinion of something tell them and most importantly tell them about your Jesus.

  3. Enjoy info from mostly awesomely informative Articles.

    First time had commentator comment, not on said Article, but in a very condescending manner, my opinionated comment. Assume just an ignorant TROLL PAWN, all part of the evil, so power for the course, IMO! They need Jesus, or they would know, my Jesus they suggested, can be their Jesus too, duh?????!
