Wednesday, August 2, 2023


J Brentner

We live in perilous times on steroids; Paul’s description of the last days in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 has never been more relevant or posed a greater threat to our livelihood. In addition to the rapid downward spiral of common decency around us, the coming kingdom of the antichrist is taking shape before our eyes with an ever increasing velocity and deadly fierceness. The technology that will enable the lawless one to control all buying and selling (Revelation 13:16-18) is already here and it appears to be far more enslaving than we ever imagined.

Lest you think I’m just another prophecy guy sounding the alarm for whatever reason, please pay attention to the quote below from Peter Koenig, a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). Koenig recognizes the grave threats to our future wellbeing, but being outside of Christ; his only solutions is for “we, the people” to rise up and stop the beast. (Yes, in other articles he refers to the coming world government as “the beast,” just as in the books of Daniel and Revelation.)

Two kinds of absolute controls are being prepared to implement The Great Reset, alias UN Agenda 2030. A potentially straitjacket and total control by programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), and an all-oppressive health tyranny by WHO, overriding national Constitutional rights and national sovereignty as far as health measures are concerned.

The former will be “managed”, coordinated and supervised for faultless implementation, by the so-called Central Bank of Central Banks, the Bank for International Settlement (BIS); the latter by the 1948 Rockefeller-created, falsely called UN-agency WHO. The emerging tyrant’s budget is to 80% pharma, Gates and otherwise privately funded. Both are criminal organizations. . . .

CBDC may be upon us, humanity, rather sooner than later. Programmable CBDC is a weapon of mass destruction. The weapon has been in the planning for decades – and it fits right into the Bigger Picture of the Great Reset / Agenda 2030.

Programmable – means the money can be programmed on how it is to be spent by an individual, or blocked, or made to expire, or made to be used for certain goods or services – or it can be totally withheld, wiped out, depending on how well you behave, according to the standards of the all-commandeering death cult elite. . . .

Simultaneously, an all-controlling health tyranny is being prepared by WHO. The plan is that the new totalitarian rules – Biden Administration initiated revised International Health Regulations (IHR), including a new Pandemic Treaty – are to be ratified by the World Health Assembly, presumably by the end of May 2023. If approved by a two-thirds majority, the new rules will become effective in 2024

Please know that we are not decades away from the lethal regime of the globalists seizing control of the all nations, but rather a few short years. The UN and WEF (World Economic Forum) have 2030 as their goal for worldwide implementation of their empire. The elite from these organizations are meeting in September of 2023 to ensure that they are on target for the full implementation of their worldwide regime by 2030, if not before.


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