Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Israel's Military Intelligence Sends Warning: Enemies See 'Historic Opportunity' To Attack Israel

Israel’s military intelligence warns Benjamin Netanyahu

“The enemies see a historic opportunity in Israel’s crisis,” Israeli military intelligence (known by the acronym AMAN) warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

 In recent months, AMAN has sent four warning letters to Netanyahu, in which the intelligence department stressed the grave security implications in the shadow of societal division. 

The letter says that the enemies see a historic opportunity to change the strategic situation in the Middle East once and for all as a result of the unprecedented crisis in Israel.

Senior military intelligence officers warn that the damage is not only immediate, but will also have long-term consequences. According to AMAN’s analysis, enemies like Iran and Hezbollah divide Israeli deterrence into four pillars, all of which have been weakened amid public disunity:

  1. The strength of the Israel Defense Forces.
  2. The alliance with the Americans.
  3. The strong economy.
  4. The unity among the people.

With all four pillars seemingly weakened, it looks like a perfect chance to attack and destroy Israel. Enemies are waiting for just right moment, and Israeli military intelligence has trusted sources telling them that.

As previously reported, the Hamas leadership in Tehran met with the ayatollah regime and discussed the best time to attack Israel. 

It was decided to postpone an attack for the simple reason that it was too early and an attack would at this point still serve to unite the people of Israel. The rift within the nation must widen further, only then will the attack be worthwhile. 

Israel’s enemies are patiently observing developments among the people of Israel and will strike when the time comes. 

Israelis, meanwhile, are genuinely concerned about civil war. Fifty-eight percent view this as a real possibility, according to a survey by the daily newspaper Ma’ariv. Only 38% of Israelis fear no civil war. Another 4% are unsure. Either way, everyone’s talking about it. The threat is in the air like never before, and it passes on, as if blown on the wind, across the borders and to the ears of our eager enemies

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