Thursday, August 3, 2023

Escobar: Geopolitical Chessboard Shifts Against US Empire

Geopolitical Chessboard Shifts Against US Empire
Pepe Escobar 

The geopolitical chessboard is in perpetual shift – and never more than in our current incandescent juncture.

A fascinating consensus in discussions among Chinese scholars – including those part of the Asian and American diasporas – is that not only Germany/EU lost Russia, perhaps irretrievably, but China gained Russia, with an economy highly complementary to China’s own and with solid ties with the Global South/Global Majority that can benefit and aid Beijing.

Meanwhile, a smatter of Atlanticist foreign policy analysts are now busy trying to change the narrative on NATO vs. Russia, applying the rudiments of realpolitik.

The new spin is that it’s “strategic insanity” for Washington to expect to defeat Moscow, and that NATO is experiencing “donor fatigue” as the sweatshirt warmonger in Kiev “loses credibility”.

Translation: it’s NATO as a whole that is completely losing credibility, as its humiliation in the Ukraine battlefield is now painfully graphic for all the Global Majority to see.

Additionally, “donor fatigue” means losing a major war, badly. As military analyst Andrei Martyanov has relentlessly stressed, “NATO ‘planning’ is a joke. And they are envious, painfully envious and jealous.”

A credible path ahead is that Moscow will not negotiate with NATO – a mere Pentagon add-on – but offer individual European nations a security pact with Russia that would make their need to belong to NATO redundant. That would assure security for any participating nation and relieve pressure on it from Washington.



  1. It's a little hard for me to see the antichrist rising to power from the EU without the strong arm of the US after the rapture. How will they (EU) control the combination of Russia and China with a fallen and depleted America? I know the rapture changes everything but at this point from this side it is hard to see the EU running the world? Maybe Russian and China have far more washed in the blood followers of Jesus than we could imagine? That would certainly reduce their apparent current power. Anyone else have thoughts how this plays out according to what we understand will occur during the 7-year tribulation?

  2. Just because the rapture takes out a chunk of the US population doesn't mean that much (besides triggering economic collapse) = the evil-doers are still here and the weapons are still here (to be co-opted by the AC)....I believe the US/NAU will be one of the 10 kings with the evil we see today and under the control of the AC
