Friday, July 28, 2023

Ukraine targeted Russian city with missile

Ukraine targeted Russian city with missile – Moscow

The Russian Defense Ministry has acknowledged that a missile struck the southwest port city of Taganrog on Friday, calling the incident a “terrorist attack” by Ukraine.

The city center was hit by a major blast on Friday, with at least 15 people injured, according to local authorities.

Ukrainian forces used a re-purposed missile from a Soviet-era S-200 anti-aircraft system to target the city, the military said. The missile was “intercepted” by Russian forces, but fragments ended up falling on the city, it added.

“As a result of the terrorist act committed by the Kiev regime, several buildings were damaged, and there are also casualties among civilians,” the statement said.

Footage from the scene, circulating online, shows that the missile left a large crater in the ground, with several buildings and vehicles damaged by the blast. The missile contained spherical pieces of shrapnel, a trademark of S-200 anti-aircraft munitions, and one video shows several of the steel balls being found by witnesses at the site.

WATCH Ukrainian missile strikes Russian city


Dashcam footage of the Ukrainian strike on the Russian port city of Taganrog, located in southwestern Rostov Region, has surfaced online. The city’s center was hit by a repurposed anti-aircraft S-200 missile earlier on Friday, injuring over a dozen civilians and inflicting material damage.

The short video shows the missile approaching the city’s center at an extreme angle, hitting the ground, and exploding into a large fireball. The explosion left a major crater and damaged multiple buildings and vehicles.

The Russian military has condemned the strike as a new “terrorist attack” staged by the Kiev regime and aimed exclusively at civilians. The military said it had “intercepted” the missile, but it still fell onto the city.

Shortly after the attack, another Ukrainian missile was shot down on the outskirts of Azov – another town in Rostov Region. The projectile was destroyed nearby, falling in an unpopulated area and inflicting only minor damage to a non-residential building.

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