Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Lost Art of Connecting Dots

The Lost Art of Connecting Dots

Remember those dot games? Where you would spend hours going through a book of numbered dots, connecting them with a line starting at a dot numbered “1” and continuing until an image of something revealed itself?

Some of these things I remember as being really complex. And some of them were so complex you really couldn’t tell what the hell the image was until you diligently connected every dot. And then, voila! A lion, a goat, or a car would appear. Nothing was clear until the dots were connected. One by one.

Sometimes it was easy to tell what the final image was going to be. But, until we got a little older, the image usually was a mystery, and you wanted to see what it was, so you got busy with your pencil, and connected the dots.

The sequence was obvious—1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.

Connecting the dots in real life, in order to see something more clearly, or understand it more thoroughly, is a bit more difficult. Sometimes you don’t know the sequence (like you would with sequential numbers), but if you think a little bit, most things are usually not that difficult to figure out.

I think most of us graduated from the dot game to Nancy Drew or Hardy Boy mysteries, then Columbo and then the personal missing keys mystery (or missing cell phone). Solve the riddle, solve the crime, and solve the mystery. Connect the dots, the clues, the patterns and correlations, whatever it might be. It is a human trait to want to reason: deductive, inductive or abductive, until we figure things out.

Not anymore—at least not for a large portion of us. The art of connecting dots is lost. A shame.

Well, in the defense of the people who seem to no longer be capable of connecting dots, I have to say you do need a mystery to start with. If you have a fully formed figure in front of you, there is no compulsion to connect dots. Regarding the Covid insanity of the past three years, many people were convinced there was no mystery to it.

The government very seriously informed all of us that we’re going to die if we didn’t carefully do what they said. They showed us pictures of people dropping in the streets in China, we saw stacked up coffins in Italy, and started soon after to hear of reports in New York City of overwhelmed hospitals. That was enough. No mystery there. No dots needing to be connected—a full, very clear, picture. Or was it?

Those of us with our dot-connecting proclivity still intact, started to see part of the narrative fading. Things did not clearly connect anymore. As we got further into the situation, many things started to not make sense, and we saw unconnected dots just crying out to be connected. So we took our pencils out and got to work. Some of us (not me) saw unconnected dots from day one!

In a fairly short time we had a lot of dots connected. We saw the lies, and many of the reasons behind the lies. We saw the liars too, and started to put together why such people would lie. We connected to the reasons why the lies were easy to make, and why the media was supporting the lies and not speaking out against them.

We saw that science was being hijacked, and when we wondered why such a thing could happen, we diligently searched for other elusive dots to connect to the ones we already knew. Soon it became a game, and for some of us (me being one of them) there came that same sort of joy that comes when a puzzle is solved, and the fully formed image comes up to be seen when many dots were connected.

We also encountered other dot connectors and joined forces in our mutual search for certain important dots. But all along the way, there were some dots we never could seem to find. Those dots formed the reasons so many of our fellow humans were totally not interested in connecting dots.

Although we could clearly see the mystery and the need to connect dots to reveal more answers or expose more mystery, we never could find the dots that answered the questions about our friends and families and why they seemed to have lost the interest in finding out more. “I know everything I need to know,” we often heard. “There is nothing to figure out here, you people thinking some big conspiracy is being revealed with what you think are connections, are delusional.”

And you know what? They don’t know what is really happening because they refuse to connect the dots. That is all there is to it. If they connected them, they would know. But they don’t.

You can put the dots right in front of them and they still will not connect them. They will say, “there is no connection there, are you crazy?” Or, “what you think is a dot, isn’t one at all.” (Such as when person after person has literally dropped dead within hours after taking the vaccine. That to me is a clear dot—vaccine (first dot)—death within hours (second dot)—connect them damnit!) Nope. Can’t do it.

That’s an obvious one too. Forget the more subtle ones. These people have lost any intuitive gut feeling that something is rotten in Denmark. Flies right past them.


Gee, I would love to know. Comment if you have figured that one out. There have been lots of theories: indoctrination from an early age, mass psychosis, the vaccine has poisoned their mind (although we saw this before the vaccines), 5G, GMO, etc. Or maybe it is just personality types: Normie personality type, or “critical thinking” personality type. That is as good an answer as any.

Then there is the argument if they did manage to connect the dots, they still wouldn’t see the image the connected dots created. But I have not seen much of this. If someone manages to believe some of these correlations, they generally see it. If they don’t, they are just in denial. Which of course is indeed a large part of this story. But again, why are some in denial, and others are not?

I guess to get that question answered, we will have to connect some more dots.

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