Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Read UFO Whistleblower David Grusch's Statements to Congress: 'Earth-Shattering'

Read UFO Whistleblower David Grusch's Statements to Congress: 'Earth-Shattering'

David Grusch, a United States Air Force veteran who previously worked at the National Reconnaissance Office, will claim under oath that "the U.S. government is operating with secrecy—above Congressional oversight" with regards to what is now referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).

In the opening statement to his testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee on 

Wednesday, he will say he became a whistleblower following "concerning reports from multiple 

esteemed and credentialed current and former military and intelligence community individuals" 

regarding the alleged secret UFO program.

At the beginning of June, House Oversight Committee chair James Comer 

announced an investigation into allegations that a top-secret military program already 

had a fully intact UFO in its possession.

The alien probe was launched after Grusch told NewsNation, following an article on the same 

subject from The Debriefthat the government had retrieved several

 "non-human origin technical vehicles," some of which contained "dead pilots."

In his closing remarks, Grusch said that supposed alien technology reverse-

engineering programs were potentially "earth-shattering" and should serve as 

"a catalyst for a global reassessment of our priorities."


1 comment:

  1. It’s diversion and they said a whole lot of nothing burgers, in my opinion. Get out Gov. vampires sucking America dry and cut inflation along with interest rates down, stick to serving Americans!
    The rest are illusions for global wizards to put on their magic show, IMO! God is in control
