Friday, July 21, 2023

Mass-Media Begins Telling Public 'Ukraine is Losing; Territorial Concessions to Russia" and "The West Can Do No More'

Mass-Media Begins Telling Public "Ukraine is Losing; Territorial Concessions to Russia" and "The West Can Do No More!"

In one of the most remarkable 180 degree turns in the history of Mass Media, the press of the Collective West began telling the Public today that Ukraine is LOSING.   More stunning, that same "Main Stream Media" admits Territorial Concessions to Russia must be made."

(HT REMARK: How are the gullible, fragile, snowflakes who've been lied-to for a year about "Ukraine winning," going to deal with this dramatic change of reality?  Will they realize their Ukraine Flags on social media made them look like fools for a year+?   Perhaps give them a plush, cuddly, toy to hug?  A coloring Book and full box of Crayola Crayons, in a "safe space?")

This from "Main-Stream-Media" outlets:

Wall Street Journal: "Rapid Loss of Tanks Shocked Kiev and the West"

"The rapid loss of tanks and armored personnel carriers given by the West to Kiev for its Armed Forces counterattack, has shocked Ukraine and its allies . . ." the WSJ Reports


The Telegraph Newspaper (London): "The West Will Call On Kiev for Territorial Concessions to Russia"

"The losses suffered by Armed Forces of Ukraine cast a shadow on the reputation of the Bradleys, Leopards, and other weapon systems of the NATO countries. The biggest losses in the armored units of Ukraine are caused by Russian helicopters." The Telegraph reports.


The American Spectator: Analysts said "Western Sanctions have not brought the Russian economy to its knees.  On the contrary, the US and NATO are running out of funds for Kiev."


Financial Times (London): "Farewell to Arms -- The West Has Nothing Else To Do To Help Ukraine"

"The West has nothing else to help Ukraine, the armament is running out and the stocks used by Kiev will have to be replensihed for years" writes the Financial Times.


Washington Post Newspaper: "Washington No Longer Believes in Ukraine's ability to Break Through Russian Defenses"


In Germany, BILD Headline:  "The Losses are Colossal"

The German Magazine BILD published a report in which it emphasized that the losses of the Ukrainian Army "are colossal; there is not enough equipment, and a counter-attack is not possible."


The fact that ALL of these reports came out today indicates (to me) that the mass-media has been specifically instructed to start an effort to change the narrative on Ukraine, and to change it fast. 

That so many Main-Stream-Media outlets all began to run the "Ukraine is Losing" narrative tells me the delusional politicians in the West, who lied to themselves thinking they could take on Russia, now have to let down the public as gently as they can, but as fast as they can!

1 comment:

  1. Don’t take your eye off the agenda. Slight of hand. Evil does not do anything without purpose.
