Monday, July 31, 2023

Klaus Schwab’s Daughter: Covid Was Precursor to Coming ‘Climate Lockdowns’

From Global Warming To Global “Boiling” The Left’s Fearmongering Gets Hotter
Tammy Bruce

It’s that time of year again! As the summer heat continues, Democrats are feverishly whipping up hysteria about global warming in an effort to induce a national panic attack and frighten us into surrendering more of our freedoms. This means spending more on energy, paying higher taxes, and radically changing our way of life. But it’s not just the fearmongering that energizes certain politicians, they also like to condemn their political enemies for having the astounding power of making it hot outside.

On Twitter, Hillary Clinton managed to put down her glass of chardonnay to furiously blame “MAGA Republicans” for the summer heat. That’s right—it’s not enough to indict Donald Trump on everything from waking up in the morning to the Lindbergh baby kidnapping; now Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife wants to indict Trump’s 75 million supporters for…the weather.

The left-wing media are joining in this effort, disseminating misleading stories about how greenhouse gases — emitted by the combustion of coal, oil, and natural gas — are creating hell on Earth this month with soaring temperatures.

Gotta keep the fear ramped up. So forget about global warming, our betters have decided the new deadly nightmare of “global boiling” has arrived. Not enough fear? They’ll come up with a new, crazier theme. Like with the film “Jaws,” it’s no good to keep the threat regular-sized. The threatening creatures have got to be BIGGER and SCARIER.  

Breaking news for global climate alarmists: Summer is always hot, and some Summers are hotter than others. But Democrats and their leftist handlers want us to believe we’re experiencing the hottest summer ever so that they can come to our rescue with their all-purpose solution for every perceived crisis: make Big Government even bigger, fund it with ever-higher taxes, empower it to impose ever-more draconian regulations and force us all to fall in line and follow orders. 

Now we’re being told by the same egotistical and bumbling bureaucratic machine that forced onto us COVID measures causing social, cultural, and economic catastrophes that no price is too high to pay to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. Yet greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. are already falling dramatically, plummeting by 20 percent from 2005 to 2020, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Fossil fuels account for over 80 percent of global energy consumption. Quickly ending or severely curtailing fossil fuel use would require the government to assume unprecedented control over our lives (which is the point)— telling us what vehicles we can drive, what energy sources we can use to provide heating, cooling, and electricity to our homes and businesses; and limiting our energy consumption so we’d be sweltering when temperatures are high and shivering when temperatures are low. Many of us would also likely experience electricity brownouts and blackouts.

The fearmongering about climate change buttresses the radical Democratic environmental agenda that calls for keeping trillions of dollars worth of America’s abundant, affordable, efficient, and reliable fossil fuel resources forever locked away underground, forcing much of the world to depend on fossil fuel imports from other nations for many years to come.

Instead of creating energy jobs in America and reducing our foreign trade deficit by selling more fossil fuel energy abroad, we are letting Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, and other nations meet global energy needs.

The latest scaremongering headline has the Democrat and the left-wing media loudly and misleadingly proclaiming global temperatures in June and July were the hottest ever and warning that temperatures will continue to rise due to greenhouse gas emissions. But there are several big problems with these claims.

First, there’s some dispute over exactly how to measure the average global temperature. In an op-ed, this month in The Wall Street Journal, Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow at the Energy and Environment Legal Institute, presents a convincing case that the average global temperature on July 3 and 4 this year was actually 57.5 degrees Fahrenheit and not the 62.6 degrees estimated by the University of Maine. If true, this means the temperature was not a record high.

Second, in 2021 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration excitedly told us that another summer heat record was broken – by less than a hundredth of a degree—beating the previous hottest summer of all time…in 1936. But now, don’t fret. It really, really, is getting worse and worse, and we must implement President Biden’s policies to save our lives and our economy from the unrelenting summer heat, except for those pesky 85 years between 1936 and 2021.

Third, global temperatures have only been tracked since 1850 — a tiny fraction of the Earth’s history, which goes back more than 4.5 billion years. “Compared to most of Earth’s history, today is unusually cold; we now live in what geologists call an interglacial — a period between glaciations of an ice age,” according to the U.S. government website For example, some 55 million years ago, the North and South Poles were free of ice caps, and palm trees and crocodiles thrived north of the Arctic Circle.

The most recent period of global cooling, known as the Little Ice Age, lasted from about 1300 to 1850 — the time global temperature recordkeeping began. Scientists believe global temperatures dropped by up to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit during the Little Ice Age. Since then, global temperatures have risen about 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit — still below where they were before the Little Ice Age.

All this shows that the only thing constant about global temperatures is that they have always been changing, with and without human beings being in the picture.

What’s most important to understand about the global warming hysteria preached by progressives is that it’s not really about the environment at all. It’s a pretext to give the government greater power to control our lives. As free men and women, we must see their agenda for what it is and refuse to submit to the loss of our liberty.

Klaus Schwab’s Daughter: Covid Was Precursor to Coming ‘Climate Lockdowns’

Frank Bergman

The daughter of World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab has declared that tyrannical restrictions during the Covid pandemic served as a precursor to coming “climate lockdowns.”

According to Nicole Schwab, Covid was a “tremendous opportunity” to test how the public would comply with authoritarian measures that could be used to usher in the WEF’s “Great Reset” agenda.

The WEF’s promotion of the “climate crisis” narrative seeks to “create a change that is not incremental…to position nature at the core of the economy,” according to the younger Schwab.

Nicole Schwab made the comments in a newly unearthed video that was recorded during a WEF panel discussion in 2020.

The WEF lists Nicole Schwab as a “Member of the Executive Committee” of the globalist organization who is also the co-director of Platform to Accelerate Nature-Based Solutions &

The panel discussion was filed in Yvorne, Switzerland in June 2020.

The participants were discussing how the threat of an “immediate emergency” can be used to further advance other agendas, such as the WEF’s “Great Reset.”

“This [COVID] crisis has shown us that first of all, things can shift very rapidly when we put our minds to it and when we feel the immediate emergency to our livelihoods,” Nicole Schwab says.

“And second, that clearly the system, I mean, you mentioned it earlier, that we had before is not sustainable.

“So I see it as a tremendous opportunity to really have this Great Reset and to use this huge flows of money — to use the increased levers that policymakers have today — in a way that was not possible before to create a change that is not incremental but that we can look back and we can say this is the moment where we really started to position nature at the core of the economy.

“Taking the point of view of business and economy and looking at where are there opportunities to create jobs and regenerate nature?

“And there are plenty of opportunities and this is again a mindset of actually innovation technology and a business growth can happen with a positive impact of nature and kind of laying out some of these examples.

“Regenerative agriculture is, of course, a huge part of that as well,” Schwab insisted.

“Regenerative agriculture” is a new farming system being pushed by “green agenda” advocates that eliminates certain traditional elements from the food supply, such as meat and dairy, which have been demonized by the WEF and climate alarmist globalists.

Schwab then continued by asserting younger people are far easier to brainwash with “climate crisis” narratives.

“And one of the key reflection points here is also around engaging youth, and for me, it’s again, I come back to this shift in the mindset of the restoration generation can we conceive of ourselves as humans?


1 comment:

  1. I now worry about Klaus Schwab's daughter and George Soros' son. What can happen to us next?
