Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Is Climate Engineering Real?

Is Climate Engineering Real?

In the video above, U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews Dane Wigington, founder of, about climate engineering and its hidden role in climate change. Wigington also produced the documentary “The Dimming.”

While Wigington has tried to raise awareness about the reality of climate engineering for the last two decades, his work is now gaining traction after the White House announced it’s backing a plan to block sunlight in a climate engineering effort.

As reported by the Daily Mail, July 1, 2023

“The White House has opened the door to an audacious plan to block 

sunlight from hitting the surface of the Earth in a bid to halt global warming.

Despite some scientists warning the effort could have untold side effects


from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, President Joe


Biden’s administration has admitted they’re open to the idea, which has


never been attempted before.

In a report2 released Friday by the White House, officials suggested limiting


sunlight to rapidly cool the planet, a process known as solar radiation


modification (SRM) …

Policymakers in the European Union recently called for an international assessment of geoengineering risks, noting that:3

 “These technologies introduce new risks to people and ecosystems, while they could also increase power imbalances between nations, spark conflicts and raises a myriad of ethical, legal, governance and political issues.”

According to Scientific American, a supercomputer called Derecho will help climate scientists decide whether to block the sun:4

Geoengineering Is the Biggest Contributor to Climate Change

According to Wigington, there’s plenty of evidence showing that geoengineering projects of various kinds are already having severe impacts on weather patterns, our ability to grow food, biodiversity and human health.

Geoengineering projects have expanded from some 300 in 2012, to more than 1,700 in 2023.

This includes carbon capture/removal, solar radiation reduction and a variety of weather modification projects worldwide. Not surprisingly, Bill Gates has been funding geoengineering for a long time. Broadly, geoengineering programs were initially implemented after World War II, starting in the polar regions.

For years, anyone who said that geoengineering and weather modification was being used was labeled a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist. As it turns out, it was true all along, and with the White House report just released, mainstream naysayers are suddenly admitting it as well.

What they’re not readily admitting, however, is that a) geoengineering is as dangerous as climate change itself, and b) that geoengineering is responsible for the most catastrophic changes in our climate.

As noted by Wigington, the globalist power structures that now claim we need to use geoengineering to solve climate change were the ones responsible for creating that climate change in the first place with their geoengineering. According to Wigington, the state of our global climate is “even worse than we’re being told,” and climate engineering is “fueling that process.”

In other words, the globalist cabal is trying to convince us that the cause of the problem is the solution, all while pinning the blame for climate change on regular people who drive cars to work and eat meat.

One geoengineering technique used across the world involves the dispersion of chemicals and metals into the atmosphere, a practice colloquially referred to as chemtrailing.

A key difference between regular condensation trails from aircraft and particulate trails (chemtrails) is that condensation trails evaporate rather quickly. They will not block 80% to 90% of solar uptake and create global dimming like chemtrails do

The persistent lines you see in the sky that very slowly disperse, creating a muddy, hazy “film” across the entire sky are NOT condensation trails. They are particulate trails, or “chemtrails.” The particles dispersed in the air column are further manipulated via radio frequency transmissions.

The Alaskan installation known as HAARP6 is but one facility involved. There are dozens of other large, ground-based facilities just like it around the globe. Smaller networks and NEXRAD radar stations located in urban areas around the world are also employed. All these networks are used to manipulate the particles dispersed via “chemtrails” in the atmosphere.

One of the key ingredients in these particulate trails is nanosized aluminum, which is neurotoxic to animals and humans. Aluminum also kills the root systems of plants and trees, as well as the soil microbiome. It also alters soil pH, which makes it harder for some crops to grow. One of the reasons aluminum is used is because it has high reflectivity, so sunlight bounces off it.

According to Wigington, climate engineers have stated they’re depositing tens of millions of tons of aluminum nanoparticles into the atmosphere annually as part of ongoing solar radiation management programs — “with no consideration for the consequences whatsoever.”

Lab tests conducted by GeoengineeringWatch also shows the presence of barium, strontium, titanium, manganese, polymer fibers, surfactant chemicals, and graphene in these particulate trails, as well as in rain.

While all these ingredients are studied for their effectiveness in geoengineering, no research is being done to ascertain what the health effects might be on populations, vegetation and wildlife below.

 Wigington also warns that these aerosol sprays can be used to disperse bioweapons and may have been used for this purpose already. He cites a Washington Post article that noted the U.S. Army conducted 239 open-air germ warfare tests on the U.S. population between 1949 and 1969 alone.7

According to Wigington, we have evidence that commercial airlines began to be used for particulate release operations in 2002, when restrictions on passenger luggage were implemented. That’s not to say that pilots or airline employees know what’s going on, but some airliners are equipped with nozzles and tanks for this purpose


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