Saturday, July 22, 2023

'Iran Is Already Here, In The West Bank: Hamas reveals new anti-tank weaponry against Israel in West Bank

Hamas reveals new anti-tank weaponry against Israel in West Bank

The Al-Qassam Brigades, the militant wing of the Hamas terror organization in the West Bank, revealed its new anti-armor explosive named, which was reportedly already deployed against the Israeli forces during the recent IDF counterterrorism operation in the Jenin refugee camp, Operation Home and Garden.

The new "Shawaz 1” weapon appears to level the playing field in the asymmetrical war between the powerful Israeli tank forces and the vastly outgunned Hamas operatives.

In an official statement, the Brigades claimed its fighters had "detonated one of them on an Israeli army vehicle" during the latest round of fighting between the Israel Defense Forces and Jenin-based terrorists.

In June, Jenin-based terrorists launched an ambushagainst an IDF armored vehicle, which wounded seven IDF soldiers. The Israeli forces appeared to be taken by surprise and the IDF deployed aerial support to evacuate the wounded and trapped Israeli troops.

The Arabic news outlet Rai Al-Youm reported that “Shawaz 1” appears to have armor-piercing capabilities similar to those previously used by the Lebanese-based Hezbollah militant group against Israel and by Islamist militants against American forces in Iraq.

The new explosive device will reportedly enable terror groups to hit IDF military vehicles from a greater distance.

While the northern West Bank city of Jenin is formally under the Palestinian Authority’s control, Hamas and rival Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists are rapidly increasing their local influence with Iranian assistance. In June, a PA official warned that the Iranian regime had already established a presence in the increasingly restive West Bank.

“Iran is already here, in the West Bank,” the PA official said.

The PA's Ministry of Interior issued a statement on Monday vowing to enforce its control over all its territory across the West Bank.

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