Monday, July 24, 2023

Hell in Odessa: Russia "seals" the border with Romania - Relentless bombing 100 meters from the Romanian territory with 15 drones and a lot of missiles

Hell in Odessa: Russia "seals" the border with Romania - Relentless bombing 100 meters from the Romanian territory with 15 drones and a lot of missiles


For the first time since the start of the war, Russia bombed with 15 Geran-2 kamikaze drones targets and ports within 100 meters of the border of Ukraine with Romania, seeking to "seal" the specific supply gate of the Ukrainian forces.

Russia later launched a massive airstrike, launching a number of missiles against targets in Odessa.

Romanian citizens watched in shock as explosions took place so close to their homes.

In total, Russia launched 15 Shahed-136 kamikaze drones for these attacks and destroyed three grain storage facilities, an oil depot, a central export terminal along the Danube as well as weapons and ammunition depots.

Heavy shelling on the border with Romania

After the Poles, who have already "felt" the impact of some Russian strikes near their border with Ukraine, it was the turn of the Romanians in the northeast of their country, near Odessa.

The Russian strikes, mostly by drones, occurred along the Danube, right on the Ukraine-Romania border in two different ports.

So there, at the mouth of the Danube and more specifically at the ports of Izmail and Reni, the Russians attacked Ukrainian infrastructure.

And this just a few meters from NATO territory! Countless tons of war material coming from the rest of Europe probably pass through these points.

Video: Heavy anti-aircraft fire in the area

Ukrainian Media: The Russians attacked Odessa with five types of missiles!

The Russian Armed Forces launched another massive attack on military installations and port infrastructure on the territory of the Odesa region, Ukrainian media reported.

According to Ukrainian media, at night the Russian Armed Forces hit targets in the Odesa region with five types of missiles, Kalibr, Onyx, Kh-22, Iskander-K, Iskander-M.

In more detail, 5 Onyx cruise missiles were launched by the Bastion coastal missile system from the territory of Crimea. In addition, 2 Iskander-M ballistic missiles and 5 Iskander-K cruise missiles were launched from Crimea.

Another 3 cruise missiles were fired towards Odessa by Tu-22 aircraft from the Black Sea. Finally, 4 Kalibr cruise missiles were launched from a submarine, also from the Black Sea.

Explosions at the Ports of Izmail and Reni, in the region of Odessa

In recent days, after the expiration of the so-called grain agreement, Izmail and Reni became the largest transshipment ports in Ukraine.

Officially, Ukraine stated that grain and other agricultural products are transhipped through them.

The first powerful explosion in Izmail occurred at about half past three in the morning. The end of the air raid alert in the Odessa area took place at about 5:40 am.

According to information published by the Ukrainian media, almost all the strikes were carried out in the coastal part of Odessa, in port infrastructure facilities.

"Odessa's port infrastructure was used by Kiev not only to export grain, but also to receive military cargo, place weapons and military equipment, including naval drones used in sabotage attacks against the Crimean peninsula," Russian media point out .

The main targets of the attack were ammunition depots. In addition, the Shkolny airfield was bombed. 

According to reports from the field, the explosion of ammunition at the airfield continued almost throughout the night.

-After the arrivals of cruise missiles and drones, a powerful explosion followed. This suggests that the ammunition depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit.

-Secondly, buildings caught fire at Skolny airport, from where unmanned aerial vehicles are launched, including in the direction of Crimea.

-Thirdly, arrivals were recorded in the port area. Not far from this place are the training center “Chabanka” of the 28th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the center of electronic warfare and the Office of the Operational Command “South”.

Russian sources draw attention to a noticeable deterioration in the quality of air defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Missiles fall immediately after launch, and this indicates improper storage and heavy wear. Probably the quality of the personnel has also decreased, since the air defense is also suffering losses...

Russian expert: The Ukrainians had placed and stored weapons and ammunition in ports

The Russian military has been conducting precision guided weapon strikes against military targets in the Odesa and Mykolaiv regions for several days.

Boris Rozhin, a Russian military expert, spoke about how important the tactics currently used by the Russian Ministry of Defense are.

According to him, "the Armed Forces of Ukraine have long used the ports involved in the "grain deal" to develop and store weapons. Now, after the Ukrainian terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge and the end of the so-called 'Black Sea Initiative,' these facilities have become a legitimate target of our military."

According to the expert, "some warehouses that were hit at night are still burning. The loud explosion may indicate that weapons and ammunition were confiscated in large quantities."

Finally, the Russian military expert emphasized that the main problem of the Ukrainian army in this case is that the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have to rebuild the logistics, which will take some time and will definitely affect the combat ability of the Ukrainian army.

In addition, a serious loss that will affect Kiev's plans is the destruction of the facilities, where unmanned vessels filled with explosives were assembled.


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