Saturday, July 22, 2023

Deagel's Forecast Revisited:

'Dystopian Fantasy' Coming True Before Our Eyes As Nobel Prize Winner's Dire Warning About 'Global Warming Hoax' Hints Of Massive 'Depopulation' As Warned Of In Deagel 2025 Forecast

Over the past 9+ years, All News Pipeline has researched, written and published stories about an absolutely bizarre forecast being put out on the Deagel Report, a forecast which 'predicted' the United States would have a population of well below 100 million people by the year 2025, a stunning drop of well over 200 million people from the particular year that particular 'Deagel Forecast' was published. 

Called a 'dystopian fantasy' by this July 13th of 2021 story by the Australian Associated Press, that AAP story attempted to write off Deagel as a 'quack website' not tied to any 'government agency,' but as Deagel themselves made clear on their website as seen in the screenshot from it below, the SOURCES for their information ARE what we all know now as the 'deep state' and 'global government,' including the US Department of State, the US Department of Defense, the CIA, the World Bank, the European Union as well as the US Coast Guard, US Army, US Navy, US Marine Corps and US Air Force. 

With Deagel also forecasting that the United States would be a 3rd world nation by the year 2025 economically, with a gross domestic product of $2.4 trillion, down from over $19 trillion in 2017, and a 'GDP Per Capita' of only $24,561 by the year 2025, down from $59,274 in 2017, as that AAP story did point out, Deagel was largely blaming a future devastating 'economic event' to be behind their forecast.

And while other mainstream media outlets that touched upon Deagel's forecast also called it a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' as Steve Quayle recently mentioned in an SQnote while linking to this story at the Rockefeller Foundation titled "Georgetown University Launches Platform to Navigate Laws Governing the Prevention of Infectious Disease Emergence Worldwide," LOOK WHO PUBLISHED 'THIS POS POLICY,' THIS IS A SET UP FOR FAR WORSE THINGS TO COME - DEAGEL REPORT! 

So while of course, a 'global government' that is carrying out genocide will never admit to such crimes upon humanity in an attempt to themselves avoid ending up 'in the dirt,' we now get a new warning from Nobel Prize winner Dr. John Clauserthe co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize and one the world’s leading authorities on quantum mechanics, that what the globalists and left love to call a  “climate emergency” is actually a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people.” As the People's Voice reports in this new story:

Claims of a “climate crisis” are being promoted around the world by governments and the mainstream media in an effort to comply with the green agenda goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other unelected globalist organizations.

Meeting these goals typically involved plans to slash the quality of life for most of the general public while ramping up taxes to “fight climate change.” 

Meanwhile, the handful of powerful elites promoting the green agenda continue to justify their lavish lifestyles – including using private jets and eat meat, not crickets and insects – because they are “part of the solution.”

And while these globalists are attempting to stop Americans from eating meat, driving cars and using gas stoves in order to 'fight climate change,' as we reported in this ANP story on July 19th titled "Still Think 'Chemtrails & Weather Modification' Are Just A 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory?' The 'Biden Cabal' Plans Of Blocking Sunlight From Hitting Our Earth Tells Us All We Need To Know," the 'biggest causes' of 'climate change' in our modern day ARE the globalists 'weather modification programs' as documented for many years here on Dane Wigington's Geoengineering Watch website

So while the globalists love to try to blame 'the people' for what they love to call 'global warming,' as Dr. John Clauserpointed out, the “climate crisis” is a narrative being pushed by the global elite and mainstream media and a hoax with a financial motive, a load of BS, and we're the ones being forced to swallow it. 

Yet as we pointed out in this story today on ANP, none of what is happening in 2023, with the total decimation and destruction of America, is 'by accident' but, as seen in the Deagel forecast, part of a long-running plan to completely obliterate what America's Founding Fathers intended America to be.

With the destruction of America now easily seen in one big city after another, where mindless zombies are roaming around downtown areas, arms hanging low and no signs of life left what-so-ever in their faces or their spirits, we're already well on our way towards America being a 3rd world nation.

With the destruction of America now easily seen in one big city after another, where mindless zombies are roaming around downtown areas, arms hanging low and no signs of life left what-so-ever in their faces or their spirits, we're already well on our way towards America being a 3rd world nation.

And with all of those cities being run by 'leftist politicians' proving to us that that 'the left' has no intention at all of truly HELPING 'the people,' for if they did, they'd be spending money TRAINING them for jobs and careers rather than spending that money on free drug injection sites and 'sex change operations,' it's not too difficult to see what this country will look like as a 3rd world nation. 

Those of us who mourn the passing of the Greatest Generation and everything it stood and fought for are, ourselves, fading away. Some of us still find the strength to push back, but our numbers are declining. Some of us are packing up and looking for a safe haven, where we can practice our religion and practice our values without apologizing for them or having to explain them to people without any.

So with 'global warmingwarned by a Nobel Prize winner to be a horrendous hoax being carried out by an unelected 'global government entity' upon the people of the world that has no basis in fact, and the biden crime cabal actually babbling on about 'blocking out the sun' to 'prevent global warming,' even though the globalists 'weather modification programs' are largely to blame for 'climate change,' it's not too difficult to see the devastation that will be coming our way should they go through with such insanity.

With such insane moves sure to further devastate our ability to grow food, who'd put it past the globalists to 'kill off' billions of people in the years ahead when they've already positioned 'indestructible artificial intelligence robots' to take our places in the work force? And with AI being an 'entity' that doesn't need to be paid wages or given time off or vacations or sick leave or health insurance for that matter, and Dr. John Clauser himself pointing out the globalists are more than happy to push a hoax if it profits them, we serve our families and loved ones best by being prepared for anything and everything in the days ahead. 

So while we haven't yet reached that point in time where the Deagel Report warned Western civilization was going, the globalists still have a good year and a half to further 'cull' the population. So despite all of the signs all around us, we'll hope the AAP was correct in labeling Deagel's forecast a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' despite their sources being the 'deep state' and 'global government'. 


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