Saturday, July 29, 2023

CIA has a well-documented history of planting fake “UFO stories” when they want to distract the public…

CIA has a well-documented history of planting fake “UFO stories” when they want to distract the public…
Revolver News

On the day that Hunter Biden was scheduled to go to court, the U.S. government conveniently decided to hold a big congressional extravaganza on UFOs, complete with sketchy “whistleblowers” who claim the government is hiding dead aliens.

Of course, many folks on the right saw this as nothing more than a coordinated distraction maneuver, similar to how they “re-arrest” President Trump every time Joe has a scandal pop up. Although, overall, the feeling from a lot of Americans was rather “meh.”

Check out the overwhelming vibe on TikTok:

Revolver actually published a fantastic article on this very topic — Americans basically shrugged their shoulders at the entire UFO circus and went about their business as usual.

It really makes you wonder, has the CIA lost their touch? That’s what Revolver’s own Darren Beattie is wondering after he dug up a document that reveals something very interesting. It turns out that the CIA likes to use “UFOs” to distract the public. According to Darren’s tweet, the CIA used this very tactic in Guatemala, of all places.

Well would you look at that, when the CIA wanted to distract from its machinations in Guatemala they floated the idea of planting "flying saucer" stories in the media hmmm....

Here’s a closeup of the document Darren shared. Notice the word “fabricate” highlighted in yellow.

In truth, the CIA likes to use UFOs as a “cover” for various activities. Back in 1997, they admitted to lying to the American people about UFOs during the Cold War .”

The New York Times:

In the darkest days of the cold war, the military lied to the American public about the true nature of many unidentified flying objects in an effort to hide its growing fleets of spy planes, a Central Intelligence Agency study says.

The deceptions were made in the 1950’s and 1960’s amid a wave of U.F.O. sightings that alarmed the public and parts of official Washington.

The C.I.A. study says the Air Force knew that most reports by citizens and aviation experts were based on fleeting glimpses of U-2 and SR-71 spy planes, which fly extremely high.

Those planes were developed in the 1950’s and 60’s to photograph enemy targets. From secret bases, mainly in California and Nevada, the aircraft repeatedly flew across the country and eventually overseas to bases in countries that included Britain, West Germany and Taiwan.

The CIA really went all out to keep this cold war/UFO lie going. The NYT piece continues:

While commercial airliners int he 1950’s flew at altitudes of up to 30,000 feet, the U-2 soared to more than 60,000 feet and the SR-71 to more than 80,000 feet, or 15 miles, nearly the edge of space.

The planes carried powerful cameras to spy on foreign military installations and sensitive electronic gear to capture radio and radar transmissions. The spy craft were developed by the intelligence agency and often flown by the Air Force.

Rather than acknowledgeing the existence of the top-secret flights or saying nothing about them publicly, the Air Force decided to put out false cover stories, the C.I.A. study says. For instance, unusual observations that were actually spy flights were attributed to atmospheric phenomena like ice crystals and temperature inversions.

”Over half of all U.F.O. reports from the late 1950’s through the 1960’s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance flights” over the United States, the C.I.A. study says. ”This led the Air Force to make misleading and deceptive statements to the public in order to allay public fears and to protect an extraordinarily sensitive national security project.”

The study, ”C.I.A.’s Role in the Study of U.F.O.’s. 1947-90,” was written by Gerald K. Haines and appears in Studies of Intelligence, a secret Central Intelligence Agency journal. Five years ago, the agency began releasing unclassified versions of the journal yearly.

Fast forward to today. If the CIA is back to their old tricks, then Thursday’s congressional UFO circus would suddenly make perfect sense. They knew they needed something significant to divert the storyline away from Hunter, so they called in the big guns: whistleblowers and little green men. The question for Americans now is: Do you trust the CIA to never lie to you again, or do you believe that just like in the past, the CIA uses their propaganda and manipulation techniques on both foreigners and the American people to distract them while they do their dirty work?

1 comment:

  1. Article makes one think. Exactly! Air Force INTEL, NSA, and other's were to investigate UFO's, or possible enemies flying within our border in skies boundaries spying on us, decipher/intercept codes especially during the cold war then with Russia; investigate downed flying objects in case they were from our enemies spying on USA for nefarious reasons too, as been reputed! We can't even get on top of balloons now reputedly?

    Our Military is up to 30 years ahead of everything we know technology wise right now, it's "US", and we are the Alien UFO's surveillance/eyes in the ski, in my opinion! Oh, some are demonic, some are angels, we see this within our Agencies presently for sure, IMO!

    As far as CIA, in my opinion folks start out wanting to save the world and become brainwashed into doing the most stupid missions that compromise this Nation for those with deep pockets, IMO! CIA start getting blurred as to what is right, and what is wrong morally/ethically, IMO! So, it's neither good nor bad to them, it's them being used as some rich person's henchmen from what it sounds like?

    Diversion is the name of the game, and Americans need to focus on the Government fearing the masses they were suppose to serve, not to control us through fear, in my opinion! American Citizens want their power back, laws enforced, oversight, transparency, less government involvement into everything, and for the love of God, decency brought back!! Also IMO, NEW AGENCIES WE TRUST AGAIN!
