Sunday, July 30, 2023

China says Taiwan is turning into a ‘powder keg’ and ‘ammunition depot’

China says Taiwan is turning into a ‘powder keg’ and ‘ammunition depot’

Adam Schrader

Chinese officials on Saturday accused politicians in Taiwan of turning the self-governed island into a "powder keg" and "ammunition depot" with the support of the United States.

Chen Binhua, spokesman for China's Taiwan Affairs Office, said in a statementthat members of Taiwan's nationalist Democratic Progressive Party are "stubbornly adhering" to the separatist stance of independence.

Taiwan is "constantly begging" the U.S. and to sell it weapons and provide military assistance while strengthening military ties, Binhua said.

"What they are doing is turning Taiwan into a powder keg and ammunition depot and aggravating the danger of war in the Taiwan Strait," Binhua said. The Taiwan Strait is a waterway that separates mainland China and Taiwan

"If the DPP is allowed to go down this path, young people will only become cannon fodder," Binhua said.

Binhua added that China, officially the People's Republic of China, remains "firmly against" the United States providing weapons to what he called "China's Taiwan region."

"No matter how much tax money the DPP authorities and the separatist forces for Taiwan independence spend on the people of Taiwan and how many U.S. weapons they buy, they will not be able to shake our firm will to resolve the Taiwan issue and realize the complete reunification of the motherland," he said.

"And, they will not be able to withstand our strong strength to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity."

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