Sunday, July 30, 2023

China Likely Providing Military Aid To Russia: US Intelligence Report

China Likely Providing Military Aid To Russia: US Intelligence Report

Chinese technology is driving Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine and helping Moscow to evade international sanctions, a new government report says.

China’s communist regime is helping Russia to evade sanctions and likely providing Russia with military and dual-use technology for use in Ukraine, according to a newly released unclassified report (pdf) compiled by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

“[China] is providing some dual-use technology that Moscow’s military uses to continue the war in Ukraine, despite an international cordon of sanctions and export controls,” the report says.

“The customs records show [China’s] state-owned defense companies shipping navigation equipment, jamming technology, and fighter jet parts to sanctioned Russian Government-owned defense companies.”

Despite Beijing’s claims to the contrary, however, multiple reports have suggested that the regime could be funneling lethal aid to Russia through proxies in the Middle East.

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