Tuesday, July 25, 2023

As We Enter The 2030 Death March...

As We Enter The Final 2030 Death March

King Charles III insists that we have only six years left to "save the planet." (p)Resident Biden is spending tens of billions of dollars to ensure that high-speed broadband internet access is universal within the U.S. and its territories by 2030. Intelligence analysts continue to predict that China will invade and conquer Taiwan no later than 2030. Four Electoral Court judges in Brazil have banned former president Jair Bolsonaro — an anti-globalist conservative — from office for eight years. The Department of (in)Justice and political activists posing as prosecutors in New York and Georgia are doing everything in their illegitimate powers to prevent President Trump's return to the White House — a reality that would derail the Deep State's Marxist globalism this decade. 

It seems as if all the great powers of the world are marching in lockstep toward the same Zero Hour. Global industry must be immediately reorganized in order to avert "climate" disaster. Americans must be universally chained to an online system that can monitor their movements, control their digital assets, assess their compliance with "vaccine" and "global warming" mandates, and feed them "approved" information. Free countries such as Taiwan must be absorbed by communist dictatorships. Outspoken nationalists who oppose one-world government must be deposed or jailed permanently. Mark your calendars and prepare accordingly, because2030 sure looks as though it will be a doozy!

This is no surprise. 

The United Nations has an entire strategy campaign designated as Agenda 2030 that essentially acknowledges the end of the decade as the beginning of a New World Order in which a few global "elites" will control everything. 

In this planetary utopia, people will want for nothing. Economies will thrive. Disease will be well controlled. Apocalyptic "climate change" will be abated. World peace will be at hand. The promises are so over the top that it is almost unbelievable that they are presented as part of an official U.N. policy roadmap for the next few years. 

All we have to do is follow the U.N.'s various marching orders that intend to regulate every facet of human life — including the interpretation of religious doctrine, the legality of speech, the accessibility of information, the limits of personal property, the extent of global economic redistribution, the resettlement of immigrants from around the world, and the imposition of ad hoc "emergency" powers whenever convenient.

 In return for obediently handing over our freedoms, the U.N. will provide a "free" lifetime supply of control and security. It's a lot like living inside a prison — except well-behaved inmates will adore their prison guards and accuse anyone who attempts to escape of being a fascistJust as in the State's other penitentiaries, you will still own nothing.

The authoritarians behind Agenda 2030 insist that their New World Order will prevent otherwise certain Armageddon. Keeping with the Marxists' penchant for saying the exact opposite of what they mean, they actually intend to destroy the current world and rebuild something in their own vainglorious image. The buzzword for this demolition is "sustainability." Everything must be sustainable! If that sounds a lot like a going-out-of-business sale, where everything must go, that's because "sustainability" is a politically correct code word for the end of Western civilization. There is no room for free thoughts, free speech, personal liberty, unencumbered property, or dissent in a global system that seeks to manage eight billion–plus souls from secretive boardrooms filled with Jeffrey Epstein's former clients. 


1 comment:

  1. Shortly after the Berlin Wall fell the world shifted even further left; Bush I NWO, Global Warming, two terms of Bill/Hillary Clinton, EU/UN acceleration, Libertarian Solidarity, Maoism, Trotskyism, a new group of Latin America leftist leaders including Hugo Chavez, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Justin Trudeau, more virulent leftist American press then ever before, etc. Cold War over? Huh! The worst yet to come...the Time of Jacob's trouble and ruthless leftist 666 killing off the planet.
