Palm Sunday begins what is referred to as the “passion week,” covering the events leading up to the crucifixion, and ultimately the resurrection of Jesus.
Scripture doesn’t state that the triumphal entry was on a Sunday, but that it was “6 days before the Passover (see John 12:1).” Traditionally, we Christians celebrate it the Sunday before Easter.
If you are not familiar with the account, you can read about it in Matthew 21:1-11. There you’ll read about crowds of people greeting Jesus. Jerusalem was full of people from all over who had traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover week. People were there from all over to witness these amazing events.
There’s much to say about Palm Sunday and how the people of Jerusalem saw Jesus as an earthly king, coming to overthrow the oppressive Roman government and re-establishing the glory of Jerusalem from the time of King David.
Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies at his first coming, but what many people don’t know is that Daniel chapter 9 provided the EXACT DAY the Messiah would be revealed on what we call Palm Sunday.
In Daniel 9:20-27, we are told that it would be 483 years—of Jewish 360-day years—from the command to rebuild Jerusalem to the coming of Messiah the Prince. In Nehemiah 2, Artexerxes gave Nehemiah permission to go and rebuild Jerusalem. Biblically we know exactly what year this was (Jewish month of Nisan of Artaxerxes’ 20th reigning year), and from historical Babylonian records we know this command was actually on March 14, 445 BC.
We find that 483 years later—to the exact day—brings us to April 6th, AD 32, the date of the triumphal entry! From Artexerxes’ command to rebuild, to the day of the triumphal entry was exactly 173,880 days.
The math doesn’t work. 445+32 = 477. And how do they know the triumphal entry was on this date?