Friday, January 27, 2023

The Real War' And The Shadow Government

The real war is with the moneyed oligarch shadow government of the New World Order

Since I started penning articles for the Canada Free Press, I have made more than one plea to God for understanding of what I see going on around me in America and around the world.  I have been trying to connect the dots on the big picture, and in my mind, I’ve failed miserably.  This morning (1-26-2023) I woke up (not “woke”) with a clarity I previously didn’t possess.  For more than two years, I have been dancing around the answer to my prayers without even knowing it. The answer is simple and was actually documented in the Bible over 2000 years ago.

Now, let’s see if I can piece this puzzle together so it makes sense to you.  Strangely, recognizing who and what Joe Biden is has been the key that was necessary for me to finally connect the dots.  By now, I think most people have realized that Joe Biden is nothing more than a puppet in the Kabuki Theater that is America’s and the world’s political stage.  Not only is Joe Biden a puppet actor on the Kabuki stage, but every elected official and some bureaucrats in every government in the world are nothing more than puppets on this Kabuki stage.

Many people consider Barack Obama Biden’s puppet master.  Well, Obama is and he isn’t because Obama is only a puppet himself.  Let me identify more puppets in the American political system, and those of you in Canada and elsewhere can draw your own puppet master structure.  Until January 3, 2023, Nancy Pelosi was the easily identified puppet master for the U.S. House of Representatives, and now Kevin McCarthy is holding those strings.  Chuck Schumer still fills the puppet master role in the U.S. Senate.  But wait, there’s more! Like Obama, McCarthy and Schumer are only Kabuki Theater puppets too.  So to understand the wider global picture, we must first understand that the political Kabuki Theater is nothing more than an evil tool to keep the audience’s attention diverted from the primary source of evil in the world.  Who or what is that?  We’ll get there shortly.

The next piece of the puzzle is understanding the phenomenon of mass psychosis. CFP previously published a short article with a video explaining this phenomenon, which is better than me trying to expand on it here. Mass Psychosis How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill  Please keep in mind this has been a key element in converting traditional America into the American culture and government it is in 2023.  Mass population psychosis is the vehicle that has caused Americans to drift away from Judeo-Christian values and regular attendance at church services. This is the evil tool that has been used to suggest there is no value in the traditional family as a unit.  This is the evil tool used to make the murder of the unborn or newly born acceptable in so many eyes.  This is the evil tool that makes young people think that the number of followers on social media is something important.  This is the evil tool that has kept the population quietly accepting the chaos and lawlessness occurring every day all over America. Mass psychosis was the evil tool that was used to get massive numbers of people in America and around the world to be human lab rats for an untested, experimental, chemical concoction foisted on the world as a vaccine.

Money is the New World Order god, Klaus Schwab is their pope, and the likes of Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Tony Blair, Justin Trudeau, George Soros, and Mark Zuckerberg are their cardinals.  

This New World Order has their own Kabuki Theater stage.  Their production is the religion of climate change and the environment.  They preach to the victims of mass psychosis about how they love and want to save the planet.  The kink in their stage play is that they only want the victims of the mass psychosis to sacrifice and have nothing even while they abuse the environment by flying big jet airplanes, driving big cars, owning untold numbers of big houses, and supporting China, the worst abuser of the environment on the planet.  They don’t love the planet; they hate you and everyone else who are not part of their elitist cabal.

We have established that all corruption is based on the love of money.  We have also established that 1 Timothy 6:10 defines the reality that the love of money is the root of all evil.  Therefore, the one and only solution to end the evil love of money and corruption in government is to turn off the money spigot at the source.

The real war is with the moneyed oligarch shadow government of the New World Order, not our corrupt politicians or our individual corrupt national governments.  Our war must be directed at the sources of the money funding the corruption.  As long as the money flows, the war is unstoppable.


  1. Sounds like our Military needs to redirect their targets then, right? Will they? We know who they are, where they are, and where they get their money, so start with Military Tribunals, and go from there perhaps?

    This will, would, take guts, so far hasn't been done, and why not we ask?

  2. The military will do nothing. Most high ranking are in the club or paid off. And the others will never jeopardize their retirement for the greater good. If Jesus doesn’t come back soon it will come down to each person making very hard choices when the time comes. Will you be able to stand up to your local authority that has been brainwashed? Will you be able to do without Starbucks when they won’t take your unapproved money? Will you pay your property taxes when they quadruple? Will you be able to feed yourself when you aren’t allowed at tha Walmart? I honestly think we will be raptured before it gets really bad based on what scripture says. But it’s very possible we will have to make some hard decisions beforehand. Stay strong and ask God daily that we won’t lose faith.
