Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Politics As Cancer: They Won't Leave Us Alone

They Won’t Leave Us Alone: The Invasion of Politics

The temptation and crucial flaw of a totalitarian mind are that everyone must play a part in a superstructural battle between good and evil. Standing on the sidelines or taking a neutral position on present topics is not allowed; one may not merely observe or ignore the madness played out among the power-hungry.

As a not-so-proud carrier of a Swedish passport, I last year lost track of how many times I was asked about Sweden’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the overreaching military alliance among Western nations. Apparently, there was a war going on somewhere. NATO countries were scrambling, and Finland and Sweden (thoroughly Western social democratic countries) were decades-old NATO holdouts. I did not know; I took pride in not knowing.

The chattering classes and the corporate press were full-on politicking. An insider-diplomacy battle raged between Stockholm, Helsinki, and Washington, DC. At some point even, Ankara, Turkey, was involved. I did not know; I had no opinion. My friends, my colleagues, my neighbor, my barber, my friends’ friends, and various other acquaintances all wanted in on the sordid business of political commentating.

I had no position to offer, which I quickly realized was a social mistake in this brave new world of symbolic wars for all that is “good.” I did not know anything about military matters, defense capabilities, international relations, or threat assessments regarding the various countries involved. I did not live in any of the places previously mentioned. I had no interest in their nation-state status. I did not know what the implications of NATO membership were or why it concerned me. Politicians politick with or without my input.

Everyone needs a take; everyone needs to “be informed” on the grand, irrelevant events of our broken times. Everyone needs a flag in their profile picture—a not-so-grand gesture indicating that they support the “latest thing.”

Paraphrasing Murray Rothbard’s quote on economic ignorance, why should I politick “a loud and vociferous position” on the diplomatic/military questions that so many of my fellow humans keep asking me for?

On most current affairs, I imagine I am a little bit like most people; we have our own lives and our own interests to pay attention to. Everything else takes a backseat. Rather than play the hot-take-on-everything game, I just want to be a good libertarian and be left alone. Unfortunately, that does not fly in a politicized society flirting with totalitarianism. Society has lost its shared values and its unifying religious frameworks and instead elevated politics (as Friedrich Nietzsche’s old quote goes, “God is dead. . . . And we have killed him”).

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting take on what author knows that they don't want to know, and understandably so. Many have created our own utopia, some living on acres out in no mans land, but soon it found folks out there figuratively speaking, as changes occurred with Government over-reach, in my opinion.

    The sleepy giants were awaken, became informed enough to try to understand what stupidity had crept into the once limited Governing bodies which were only suppose to serve the citizens. Now that many people are more aware, it's not to say we can't still have our own utopia, but now many people have a better understand what is lurking around us, right?

    Life therefore is a balancing act to maintain the reality versus those that push their delusions into different facets of our living as free spirits; To push past deception catapults the mind to overcome pure smoke & mirrors or lies, preparing then how to shield against other's insanity. We cannot do this without God, because with God anything is possible! Bible quote: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

    Might we add, there also is faith, food, energy, fuel, joy, love, abundance, hope, resources, and plenty bountiful blessings for every country globally. If anything has recently become claimed purposely, reputedly limited, it's been done by those creating man-made crisis, IMO~ We now know about agendas using non-sustainable Bull-Sh#t while hoarding the goods, in my opinion. So a shake-up would therefore be in order to break free from, and come away with anything mankind needs to prosper, utilize, from anyone whose setting limitations on all God has bestowed upon Earth, right? Mankind has helped the planet Earth, and now we have some twits wanting humanity disposed of or controlled, apparently through limiting or eliminating all that worked, in my opinion. Not happening predict...IMO!
