Tuesday, December 20, 2022

False Peace And The Laodicean Church

‘All Is Well’: A False Peace Has Invaded The Church, Leaving Many Blind To The Days They Live In

Sadly, the lie that “all is well” has invaded many churches, even those that claim to be Bible-believing. Despite the multitude of signs that tell us the wrath of the Day of Lord is ever so close, a majority of Christians remain unaware that they live in the last days.

As I reflect on 2022, the illusion of peace that’s become the hope of many saints saddens me. This deception has come about through false teaching concerning the end times, which prevents them from recognizing the signs of the rapidly approaching Tribulation period.


Let’s begin by looking at some of the various teachings regarding the end times that give believers a false illusion of peace in our time.

In Jeremiah 6:14, the prophet records the Lord’s complaint regarding the spiritual leaders of the people in Judah. He wrote that they “have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.” The sense is that of applying a superficial salve that not only failed to address the hurts of the people, but also promoted a false sense of security despite the threat posed by Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians.

I believe the words of this passage apply to church leaders and writers that promote doctrines that close the eyes of the saints to the dangers posed by the Satanic globalists. They do not proclaim “peace, peace” as did the false prophets in ancient Judah, but by their silence they fail to warn those that they lead of the great dangers that exist in our time. They repeat the errors of the false prophets and priests of Jeremiah’s day.

I know that the majority of those who read my posts are fully aware of all the signs that tell us the seven-year Tribulation is ever so near, which means the Rapture could happen at any moment (the sooner the better).

I go to this place of warning again, however, because of my sadness for believers who never hear about their joyous hope in Jesus’ soon appearing.

As a result, many Christians do not recognize the great evil that masquerades behind the mask of good intentions of the globalists and most government leaders. Beneath the many benevolent-sounding words lies the spirit of the antichrist taking people down paths that lead to lawlessness, chaos, destruction, and certain death.

The prevailing message of peace in our time prevents them from seeing behind the veil of deception to the working of our dreadful enemy. They fail to recognize the extensive stage-setting for the kingdom of the antichrist that’s so rampant throughout the world.


1 comment:

  1. Apathy and refusal to acknowledge. Fear and conditioning. It is similar to an earthquake at the depths of the ocean. The tidal wave heads to shore in the depths unseen until it hits home.
